Peter Twomey Youth Center

The Peter Twomey Youth Center (PTYC) is the base for the Extended Day Programs from Florence Roche, Swallow Union, and Boutwell schools; Community Education Programs (adult and children’s enrichment); and scheduling for all district facilities, including the Performing Arts Center, Black Box Theater, gyms, and fields. PTYC is self-supporting and is funded by tuition, community donations, and fundraisers. Staff are committed to providing academic support, supervised peer socialization, and organized age-appropriate activities within a safe and nurturing environment.

The Extended Day Program is available to all Pre-K through Middle School District students. It is at the Boutwell Early Childhood Center, the Florence Roche and Swallow Union Elementary Schools, and the Peter Twomey Youth Center.

Please see our new Extended Day & Community Education website for course offerings!

Contact the Peter Twomey Youth Center

Megan Mastroianni
Director of Extended Day & Community Services
(978) 448-0398