January 24, 2025

Dear Florence Roche Families,

Our 4th grade students were in the spotlight this week.  They performed in our first all school show on the cafeteria stage.  This performance was their dress rehearsal for the 4th grade choral concert.  Mr. Wiesner, Mrs. Mohan and the 4th graders put in a lot of practice time to make sure everyone was ready for a great show.  They did a great job last night singing and dancing for an audience of family and friends.     

It was an extra busy week for the 4th grade as they also took a trip to the Lowell Mills to learn about what life was like during the Industrial Revolution.  This hands-on field trip is a great learning experience for students.  It’s a real world example of how far technology has advanced in manufacturing.  Thank you to the Groton Commissioners of Trust for supporting this field trip.

2nd graders made slime as a part of the Slime Science enrichment program.  They were certainly engaged as they mixed up and colored their own individual slime.  We appreciate the continued support received from the Groton Commissioners of Trust to fund these programs. 

Don’t miss our next Principals’ coffee scheduled for Monday, February 3rd from 9:15-10:00.  We have a special guest joining us.  Mrs. Dinneen, our math specialist, will be in attendance to share some strategies for supporting math learning at home.The Spring 2025 MCAS dates for our grades 3 and 4 students are set.  Please note these dates on your calendars now so that we can avoid any potential student absence.  

2025 MCAS

Grades 3 and 4


Grade 4 ELA

Session 1


Grade 3 ELA Session 1


Grade 4 ELA

Session 2


Grade 3 ELA

Session 2



Grade 4 Math

Session 1


Grade 3 Math

Session 1


Grade 4 Math

Session 2


Grade 3 Math

Session 2


GD SEPAC will be hosting a Coffee and Conversation on 1/31 at 9:30 at the Farmhouse Cafe in Dunstable. Lacey McCabe, SC Chair, will be joining us. We hope that you can make it.

The elementary science fair is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th.  This year the science fair will be held at the Swallow Union School.  Stay tuned for more details coming over the next few weeks.  

The Florence Roche musical, Schoolhouse Rock, featuring our 4th grade students and our 3rd grade accompanying choral students is scheduled for shows on March 21st and 22nd.  Students are busy with their rehearsals now.  I can’t wait to see their performance.

Reminder - Preschool Registration Opens Saturday, February 1st at 9:00am. 

Preschool Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Saturday, February 1st at 9:00am. Families must register via Google Form which will be linked directly to the district website and the Boutwell Early Childhood Center Preschool Registration page. 

Need assistance with technology or prefer to have a translator available to help you register? Join us on Monday, February 3rd in person at the Marion Stoddart Middle School Building (344 Main Street, Groton MA) from 1:00-3:30pm to register with assistance. Please be sure to indicate you would like to register in person by selecting 'Yes, I want to Register With Help' on the registration form when it's open for submission on Saturday, February 1st. 

For any questions, please click here or call (978) 448-2297 for assistance.

Groton-Dunstable Youth Baseball League 

2025 Spring Baseball Registration is OPEN!

The Spring baseball season runs from April to Mid-June.

You can register your player(s) by clicking the link:


Questions can be emailed to gdbaseballleague@gmail.com

We hope you can join us for an amazing spring season of baseball!

Groton Dunstable Youth Softball Registration 

Registration for the 2025 Spring Softball season is now open for grades PreK-11!  Registration can be found on our website at http://www.gdysl.com

Please contact don@gdysl.com for any questions.  We hope to see you this spring!

Have a nice weekend!
