February 14, 2025
Dear Florence Roche Families,
Happy Valentine’s Day! This is always an exciting day for our elementary students. They really enjoy exchanging valentines with their classmates and teachers. It was a nice way to end the week leading into the vacation break. I hope you all enjoy the time with your family.
We opened the week with an All School Meeting led by our grade 4 Student Council members. They shared all about what the school council does to support our school community as well as the greater community of Groton.
We finally celebrated our 100th day of school on Monday of this week. The number 100 was represented in a variety of creative ways especially in our kindergarten classrooms.
The 2nd graders performed their choral concert for families and friends last night. It was a memorable show with a mix of songs and poems. Love was in the air with the Valentine’s Day theme. Thank you to Mr. Wiesner and Mrs. Mohan for all of their work in preparing the students for the performance.
Grade 3 students learned about the impact of climate change and flooding through the Climate Change Champions program presented and funded by the Nashua River Watershed Association. Students learned how nature-based solutions can protect our ecosystems.
We are noticing that during inclement weather drop off in the morning, there have been more vehicles than on a typical day. This is causing a back up at the end of the driveway and potentially on to Main Street. The remedy for this backup is to use the middle school parking lot as an overflow driveway. Please follow this plan and respect your fellow driver by not cutting in front of the line of traffic entering our driveway via the middle school parking lot. Thank you!
The 2025-2026 incoming kindergarten information night is scheduled for Thursday, March 6th from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Friday, March 7th. Please plan to attend if you will have an incoming kindergarten student next year. If you have any friends of neighbors who are not yet parents in our school, please let them know about this informational event.
A community open house to see our new building is scheduled for Saturday, March 1st from 10:00am-12:00pm. Members of our 4th grade Student Council will be present to lead tours of the building. Light refreshments will be served. The school committee will host a public forum as part of this event. The forum begins at 11:00am. Please share this information with any of your neighbors who may not have students in our school, but may be interested in seeing the building.
Elementary Science Fair
Florence Roche PTA & Swallow Union PTO invite you to participate in the Groton Dunstable Elementary Science Fair!
The fair will be held in the Swallow Union gym on Saturday, March 15th. Judging will begin at 9:30am. Students in grades K-4 are eligible.
By participating in this fun event, students will have the opportunity to:
complete a scientific project at home,
prepare a visual presentation and oral explanation of their project,
share what they learned with judges, peers, and families at the fair,
receive feedback,
and be a Scientist for a day!
Registration is open now through February 28th. Space is limited to 100 students. We have reached capacity in the past, so register early!
Follow the link below to complete your sign-up form and register.
There is a non-refundable $10 registration fee to help cover the cost of operating the fair. If your family needs assistance with this fee, please reach out to our counselor Mrs. Cahill.
Additional information will be emailed to participants after registration. Please read the rules and guidelines before starting your project. All projects are individual, no groups please.
If you have questions, please email gdk4sf@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing the many interesting projects that students present!
Kind regards,
Heather Gerteisen and Bethany Vrouhas, Co-Chairs
We are looking for volunteers to help on the day of the fair as well as donations for the refreshment stand. The proceeds from the refreshment stand help to offset the cost of the fair. This is not a fundraiser. If you are able to help that day, please remember that your student still needs a parent/guardian to stay with them at their table. If you are able to donate items or your time, we would greatly appreciate that! Sign up here:
The Anxious Generation: Book Club
Join other Groton-Dunstable parents in a discussion of Jonathan Haidt's book, The Anxious Generation. The book is an in-depth exploration into the challenges to children's mental health in the era of smartphones, social media, and big tech—and a plan for a healthier, freer childhood. There will be two discussions on this topic, covering the two sections of the book.
Book Club: The Anxious Generation Part 1
The Great Rewiring Discussion
Thursday, March 13 7:00—8:30 PM @ Groton Public Library
Book Club: The Anxious Generation Part 2
Collective Action for Healthier Childhood
Thursday, April 10 7:00—8:30 PM @ Groton Public Library
Register for either or both of the discussions on the GPL website.
Lawrence Academy Women in Sports
Lawrence Academy is hosting a Girls and Women in Sports Day Basketball Clinic on Saturday, February 15th. Here is the link for more information. LA Women in Sport
Groton-Dunstable Youth Baseball League
2025 Spring Baseball Registration is OPEN!
The Spring baseball season runs from April to Mid-June.
You can register your player(s) by clicking the link:
Questions can be emailed to gdbaseballleague@gmail.com
We hope you can join us for an amazing spring season of baseball!
Groton Dunstable Youth Softball Registration
Registration for the 2025 Spring Softball season is now open for grades PreK-11! Registration can be found on our website at http://www.gdysl.com
Please contact don@gdysl.com for any questions. We hope to see you this spring!
Have a nice vacation break!!