March 7, 2025
Dear Florence Roche Families,
Happy March! Don’t forget to adjust your clocks 1 hour ahead on Saturday night. I always appreciate the additional sunlight at this time of the year. It won’t be long until spring officially gets here, but these longer days certainly feel good.
Last Saturday’s community open house was a great success. We had many visitors checking out our beautiful building. The 4th grade Student Council members were expert tour guides and represented our school very well.
60 parents attended our kindergarten information night on Thursday. Kindergarten registration is now open. Here is the slideshow we referenced during the presentation.
Grade 1 students learned about animal adaptations through a program presented by the Nashua River Watershed Association this week. Thank you to the Groton Commissioners of Trust for funding this enrichment experience.
Thank you to those who have already completed the School Council community engagement survey. If you haven’t had a chance to do so yet, we would appreciate your input. The survey will close on March 21st.
School Council Community Engagement Survey
A goal for the School Council this year is to increase community engagement throughout the transition into our new school building. Our school community grew with the addition of many Groton residents who had been attending Swallow Union Elementary School.
In addition to community engagement, we also wanted our many new families to feel welcomed as members of the new Florence Roche School Community. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.
School Council Community Engagement Survey Your input is appreciated!
We look forward to welcoming students and families to our Family Math Game Night happening this Friday, March 14th.
Elementary Science Fair
The Science Fair will be held on Saturday, March 15 at Swallow Union. Everyone is invited to attend this fun event! Join us between 9:30 AM - Noon to come view all of the creative projects your peers have been working on. We will have community learning centers set up including robot demos and activities from Code Whiz, Snapology, and the Boy Scouts. We plan to have a Dunstable fire truck for children to explore and a large reptile that you won't want to miss! If you have any questions, contact the co-chairs at
We are looking for volunteers to help on the day of the fair as well as donations for the refreshment stand. The proceeds from the refreshment stand help to offset the cost of the fair. This is not a fundraiser. If you are able to help that day, please remember that your student still needs a parent/guardian to stay with them at their table. If you are able to donate items or your time, we would greatly appreciate that! Sign up here:
The Anxious Generation: Book Club
Join other Groton-Dunstable parents in a discussion of Jonathan Haidt's book, The Anxious Generation. The book is an in-depth exploration into the challenges to children's mental health in the era of smartphones, social media, and big tech—and a plan for a healthier, freer childhood. There will be two discussions on this topic, covering the two sections of the book.
Book Club: The Anxious Generation Part 1
The Great Rewiring Discussion
Thursday, March 13 7:00—8:30 PM @ Groton Public Library
Book Club: The Anxious Generation Part 2
Collective Action for Healthier Childhood
Thursday, April 10 7:00—8:30 PM @ Groton Public Library
Register for either or both of the discussions on the GPL website.
Have a nice weekend.