Book Character Day!


Dear Florence Roche Families,

We had great student and staff participation for our Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day!  It was fun to end the week celebrating our love of books and reading.  Thank you to our PTA and the many volunteers who worked at this year’s book fair.  A percentage of the proceeds earned from the book fair support literacy and learning experiences for all of our students.  Thanks to all of you, this year’s book fair generated over $20,000.00 dollars of book sales!  

I am impressed with all of the reading our students completed during these past 2 weeks.  Collectively, they met the challenge of reading 5,250 minutes in school!  As a reward for their commitment to reading, Mrs. Taylor and I will visit classrooms next Friday as Book Fair Fairies!

Thank you to our kindergarten families for providing our staff with breakfast treats this morning.  We appreciate your kindness.

Groton-Dunstable Community Education has a couple of opportunities for students.  There is a Chess Club for K-8 students and music lessons for K-4 students.  Here is the link for more information.  GD Community Education

Have a safe Halloween weekend.
