Dear Florence Roche Families,
We are heading into a short week with the Thanksgiving holiday. This is always a busy time of year as we wind down the end of our 1st trimester and engage with families by providing student progress updates through parent/guardian conferences. These conferences are a great opportunity for us to build our partnership with you especially as we continue to assess the academic and social impact of the pandemic on students. We appreciate your perspective and value your feedback on your student’s school experience. Thank you for being active participants in these important conversations.
We successfully completed an evacuation drill during the past week. These drills along with lockdown drills and safety alerts are all part of our yearly safety training. We continue to hold regular fire drills throughout the year, but the additional safety drills address potential emergencies that schools need to be prepared to respond to now. Our staff discusses the purpose of each of these responses with students in a developmentally appropriate way for each age group. The overarching message is that the adults in the building are responsible for keeping them safe and we practice so we are ready in case of an emergency.
Thank you to our 1st grade families for providing the sweet dessert treats for staff on Friday. The treats were a welcome addition to everyone’s lunch that day. We truly appreciate your kindness.
As a reminder, Wednesday will be an early release day with student dismissal beginning at 12:10pm. Lunch will not be served on Wednesday. School will be closed on Thursday and Friday. We will welcome students back to school on Monday, 11/29. I hope you all have an enjoyable break with your family and friends.
Have a great week!