
Dear Florence Roche Families,

We had a very nice start to our day with the breakfast provided by our grade 2 families.  We don’t often take time to slow down and enjoy the company of our colleagues.  The staff are generally very busy during those quiet moments we have before the arrival of our students.  By Friday, I know we are all tired especially at the end of a week with a few indoor recesses.  Thank you to our families for your kindness and providing us with a reason to come together and socialize with our colleagues


Our 1st graders learned about how sound waves travel through different objects during a special program this week.  The Discovery Museum came to us and worked with each 1st grade classroom.  Students were hands-on throughout this experience using different objects to experiment with sound waves.  Ask your 1st grader what they learned about sound waves.  Thankyou to the Groton Commissioners of Trust for funding this program.

This weekend’s snowstorm will leave us with a lot of fresh snow to play in on our field and playground.  Students will need boots and snow pants to walk through and play in any deep snow.  Our lost and found is growing with a variety of winter clothing items.  If your child has lost an item, please stop by and check out the lost and found.

Community Highlights

Here is a link to an opportunity for music lessons provided through Indian Hill Music.

Virtual flyers for FloRo

Here is a link to the GD Youth Basketball Camp Opportunity during February vacation.

GD Youth Basketball Camp Feb 2022

Stay safe and enjoy the snow this weekend!
