March 25, 2022

Dear Florence Roche Families,

It was nice to see our incoming kindergarten parents in person last night for our annual information session.  This incoming class of kindergarten students will be moving into 2nd grade when we open our new school.  That is exciting!

Mrs. Kinneen hosted many PE Pals during this week’s classes.  It was impressive to see the agility and physical dexterity of our parents.  When was the last time you got to climb a rope to the ceiling?  I’m thinking there may be some sore arms at home this week.  I know that mine would be.  Thank you all for coming!

Mrs. Yafrate and Mrs. Till established a positive problem solving activity for students during their lunch in the cafe.  The “Daily Riddle” is a highly anticipated challenge for students at all lunches.  Students discuss the riddle at their tables and are very motivated to figure out the correct answer.  This has developed into an authentic opportunity for students, and adults, to tap into different parts of their brain and explain their thinking.  Ask your child about the “Daily Riddle”.

Groton PD, GD Elementary Schools and Community Ed have partnered to bring you our First Annual Bike Rodeo!  It will be held on April 23 from 9am - 1pm at the GDRSD HS Football Field.  At this free event there will be fun challenging bike activities, ABC bike check and more!  Snacks and refreshments will be provided.  To pre-register for the event please visit: 2022 Bike Rodeo Registration .  We ask that you please register ahead but will accept registration on the day of.  We look forward to seeing you there.  Please contact Rachael Bielecki with any questions or concerns.

Please see below for a baseball camp over April break! If you have any questions please contact Matt LeBlanc at

Baseball Camp Information

Enjoy the weekend!
