May 6, 2022

Dear Florence Roche Families,

We had an amazing week with all of the special recognition and treats each day.  Staff Appreciation is on the calendar for a week each year, but we honestly feel appreciated and supported by our families every day.  Thank you to all of you who supported this week’s event and a very special thank you to Lauren Bowman for coordinating this event and for being here with us all week!  We appreciate you!

The building project is underway.  This week they started working on the access road for construction vehicles and the pedestrian walkway.  While this work is going on, a police detail will be on site to assist student’s crossing the main driveway to access the sidewalk.  This work should be completed by the end of next week and student’s will then have a dedicated walkway with signage for safe travel to access school grounds.  Please remember to use your direction signal when driving up to the school for arrival.  This makes it safer for cars and buses exiting the driveway circle when they know if you plan to turn left or right at the circle.

The Fine Arts Festival is this week on Friday, May 13th at the high school.  Come see your student’s artwork and hear them perform.

If you were not able to access the Literacy Night sign up in last week’s update, here is a link for you to use to sign up.  There are many exciting activities planned.  We look forward to seeing you on May 19th to celebrate literacy! 

Literacy Night Sign Up

Math MCAS for Grades 3 and 4

As a reminder, here is the schedule for this month’s math MCAS tests.


Grade Level


Testing Dates

Grade 3


5/17 & 5/19

Grade 4


5/16 & 5/18

Save the date!  Wednesday, June 1st is the scheduled ground breaking ceremony for our new school.  More details from the district are coming soon!

Happy Mother’s Day to all!
