June 10, 2022
Dear Florence Roche Families,
Happy last Friday of our school year! This week was full of exciting events as we begin the closeout of our year. Thank you to the army of parent volunteers who helped out with our grades K & 1 and grades 2 & 3 field days this week. We couldn’t have done it without you. Your flexibility as we worked around the rain dates was greatly appreciated. The students and staff had a blast and I’m sure we all slept well after a day of celebrating in the sunshine and fresh air. Grade 4 will have their field day next Wednesday. The weather looks to be great right now. Keep your fingers crossed!
Our beloved Serenity has decided to retire after this year. She has been an active therapy dog in 3 different public schools over the past 9 years! Serenity has earned the opportunity to sleep in and enjoy a slower pace in her life. We will certainly miss her and wish her all the best in her retirement. Please read this announcement about Serenity’s retirement from her handler, Mrs. Bent.
Thursday, June 16th is our last day of school. It is a half day with no lunch being served. Dismissal for students begins at 12:10pm. The buses will load and then stage in the parking lot, so our staff can assemble in the front of the building and wave the students home for their summer vacation. Parents picking up their students on the last day are welcome to wait in the parking lot and join the bus wave out in the driveway.
Please remember not to pull in the front circle during afternoon dismissal. Parents need to walk up to meet their students.
Here are some math and literacy websites full of great summer enrichment activities. All of these resources have been recommended by our district math and literacy coordinators.
Last call for Lost and Found. Any remaining items after 6/13 will be donated to a good cause.
Back again...
Crusader Basketball Camp 2022
(open to ALL students who will be in grades 2-8 for the 2022-23 school year)
Monday, June 20 - Thursday, June 23
8:30am - 12:30pm
Boys Camp will take place at Middle School North and Twomey Center
Girls Camp will take place at GDRHS
All students will participate based upon their gender identity. For students who are nonbinary, they may elect which camp they will attend.
Participants should wear active wear, sneakers and bring water and a snack
Follow the link below to register:
Enjoy the weekend!