1st grade recess fun!

October 21, 2022

Dear Florence Roche Families,

It was nice to see most of our students returning to school this week after many experienced a stomach virus.  I know this was unpleasant and I’m sorry that anyone had to go through it.  As Dr. Chesson communicated throughout the week, we are not certain about the specific virus or its cause.  However, we consulted with the board of health to investigate the building and review our existing cleaning and sanitizing procedures.  We followed their recommendations for improving these procedures wherever necessary.  The virus has been a fast moving one and we noticed a steady decline in reported incidents throughout the week.     

We are excited to welcome the Scholastic Book Fair to FloRo next week!  Our school community will celebrate literacy and the book fair on Friday, October 28th with a Dress as Your Favorite Book Character Day. Click on this link for more details.  Book Character Day! 


Pizza! Pizza!

Just 2 more days to order your Little Caesar Pizza Kit! Ordering closes on Sunday, October 23 and the PTA needs to sell 12 more kits to reach their goal of 100 kits sold! All orders will be delivered the week of November 7 and pickup will be at Florence Roche. 


Link to Order- https://www.pizzakit.com/fundraising-products?shop=1&t=lc&sf=1


FloRo Code- ID#411883

There is a Groton Public Library workshop coming up on Tuesday, November 1st, this time with Rebekah Gienapp, author of "Raising Antiracist Kids: An Age by Age Guide for Parents of White Children."  If you are interested in attending, please register with the link below.  If you would like more information about Rebekah Gienapp, please check out her website.

Registration: https://gpl.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/raising-anti-racist-kids-with-rebekah-geinapp/

Rebekah's website: https://www.rebekahgienapp.com/

The GD SEPAC has 2 interesting opportunities in the areas of math learning as well as social and emotional learning for parents and guardians coming up.

Math Workshop,  K-8

October 27th at 7pm 

Karen Gartland, PreK-8 Mathematics Supervisor for GDRSD, will present an overview of inclusive practices for mathematics education in general education courses. She will provide research-based information about inclusion and some practical examples. This presentation is appropriate for parents of all K-8 students.


This will take place via zoom.


Please RSVP using the link below:




Dr. Rachel Kramer: Building Resilience and Managing Big Emotions

November 3rd at 7pm 


Dr. Rachel Kramer will approach the topic of building resilience and supporting "big" emotions in children from an evidence-based psychological perspective. Q&A following the presentation.


This will take place via zoom. 


Please RSVP using the link below:



I hope you all enjoy the weekend.
