December 9, 2022
Dear Florence Roche Families,
Last weekend’s Winter Fair was a great success. Thank you to our PTA for organizing and running this family favorite event. Thank you also to our students for being the stars of the grade level concerts. We could not do this without the commitment and dedication of our music teacher, Mr. Wiesner. Thank you also to the many staff members who attended and assisted throughout the program.
Our 4th grade led food drive to support Loaves and Fishes is underway. Thank you for supporting our effort to help those in need. The team of 4th grade students leading the food drive put together a special feature included in this month’s edition of the FloRo News. Here is the link to the news. December FloRo News
This week we practiced a safety alert drill with our school community. During this drill, students and staff remain in their classrooms and work spaces, close their doors and continue working. We would call a safety alert if there were a medical emergency or other activity in our hallway that required a clear space. Our yearly safety planning and training includes a variety of these drills including lockdowns and building evacuations. The message to students throughout all of these drills is that the adults in the school community are responsible for keeping them safe. We need to practice how we respond in an emergency situation in order to keep everyone safe.
A message from the Groton Dunstable Education Foundation…
The Groton Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF) is looking for your support! Please visit the GDEF website if you are interested in making a year-end donation to the Annual Giving Campaign, or, support GDEF with the purchase of a Teaching Star. Teaching Stars are the perfect way to recognize a Teacher, Administrator, or other Staff/Community Member for their hard work and the impact they’ve had on your child. They say "Thank You" while helping to enrich the schools in the form of a donation to GDEF. Certificates are great holiday gifts!
Enjoy the weekend!