Senior portraits should be submitted to the yearbook by October 31.
Specifications for the photos are as follows:
High resolution—Minimum of 300 dpi
File format—JPEG
Senior Portrait Print Specs—2 x 3 inches
Senior Portrait Composition Specs—In color. Vertical orientation. Head and shoulders. Warning: Extreme close-ups of the face often result in “big head syndrome” when place into our portrait-sized rectangles. Be sure your photographer doesn't get a shot that’s too tight.
Senior Portrait Content Specs—No props. No hats. Tasteful.
Naming Your Photo File: Last_First_Portrait_YOG, so Smith_Barbara_Portrait_2022
Special instructions for Senior Portraits: If you used Mark Lawrence—make an appointment to select your portrait from your proofs ASAP. Mark Lawrence will send the photo directly to us. If you used any other photographer—it is up to YOU, not the photographer, to submit your portrait. Please give your photographer the photo specifications information above, including how they should name each file, and upload your portrait to GDRHS’s Herff Jones eShare page.
Any Questions? Mr. Jon Adams tracks the senior photos, so please direct your senior portrait questions to him: