Important Upcoming Dates: 

Monday 1/16/23 - No School Martin Luther King Day

Wednesday 1/18/23 - Final Exams  A-WIN-B (1/2 Day)

Thursday 1/19/23 - Final Exams - C-WIN-D (1/2 Day)

Thursday 1/19/23 - College Information Night (Parents of Juniors)

Friday 1/20/23 - Early Release: FINAL Make-Ups 

Friday 1/20/23 - End of Term 2

Monday 1/23/23 - Beginning of Term 3


Wednesday 1/18/23 - Final Exam Schedule A-WIN-B -  All Students are expected to attend:  1/2 Day release @ 10:50 - buses will be running on a half day schedule.

Thursday 1/19/23 - Final Exam Schedule C-WIN-D - All Students are expected to attend:  1/2 Day release @ 10:50 - buses will be running on a half day schedule.

Friday 1/20/23 - FINAL Make-Ups 1/2 Day release @ 10:50 - buses will be running on a half day schedule.  - Only students who have make-up finals or owe work are required to attend.

College Information Night for Parents

Thursday, January 19, 2023/ 6-7pm - High School Black Box

Please join the guidance department to go over the college application process. This presentation is geared towards parents of Juniors, but all are welcome.


DECA traveled to the regional competition at Umass Lowell on Wednesday January 11th with 48 students. Eleven of the 48 students placed in the top five of their competitive events! These 11 will continue onto the State Career Development Conference in Boston this March. These students are: Colin Koyutis, Vinson Huang, Daniel Palmer, Landen Kane, Saanvi Gowda, Benjamin DiCicco, Christian Tims, Joseph Wang, Oliver Apigian, Oliver Erz, and Joshua Burhoe. 

The North Central Massachusetts Chamber Foundation McKeehan Scholarship

There is a  $2,000 scholarship named in honor of Mr. McKeehan for his commitment to the advancement of North Central Massachusetts and for his decades of dedicated service to the Chamber.

Mr. David L. McKeehan served as President & CEO of the North Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce from 1984 until his retirement in 2015. McKeehan led the merger of the Fitchburg and Leominster Chambers of Commerce, along with several smaller business groups, to form the North Central Massachusetts Chamber in 1984. Over the course of his tenure, he procured over $4.5 million in private sector funding and over $1 million in government grants for economic development programming in the region. He was instrumental in the creation as well as the saving of many jobs within North Central Massachusetts during his years at the Chamber. For his service, McKeehan has been honored by the New England Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, Mount Wachusett Community College, Fitchburg State University and many other organizations. To qualify for the David L. McKeehan scholarship the applicant must be a child or grandchild of a current Chamber member or an employee of a current Chamber member.

Students eligible to apply for this scholarship should contact their high school guidance counselor by Friday, 1/20/23.  A limited number of scholarship applicants are submitted by each school in the Chamber’s service area each year and then reviewed by a committee of Chamber members.

Class of 2026 Fundraiser

The Class of 2026 is running a calendar fundraiser for the month of February. There will be a drawing every day for many chances to win some great prizes! Calendars are being sold by the freshmen class for $10 for a one time entry or $15 for unlimited entries for the whole month of February! Sales end January 31st. The calendar of prizes and the entry form can be found here.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact any students of the class of 2026 or one of the class advisors: Caitlin Harrington (charrington@gdrsd.org) or Kerrie Pratt (kpratt@gdrsd.org). 

Lentz & Lentz SAT Prep/ Groton SAT Prep Course 

Prep for the May or June SAT.  Monday Evenings In-Person SAT Prep Class Schedule Starts March 6th For New Students.  LIVE IN-PERSON CLASSROOM.  The in-person SAT/PSAT prep course will be held at Groton-Dunstable Regional High School :  Click here for more information

 SEPAC Events - Groton-Dunstable Special Education Parent Advisory Council

Basic Rights:  Understanding the IEP

Thursday, January 19th @ 6:30pm

Virtual Seminar FLIER

Registration:  https://fcsn-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpceyrqT0oHN2mFWFYMUVSBSTD_DUspecL

 Coffee and Conversation (informal meeting for parents/caregivers of students receiving services)

Tuesday, January 24th @ 9:30 am Twomey Center  FLIER


MEFA Information

We are starting our search for Host Families for 2023/2024!