Family memo

Hi Middle School families, I hope you’re  having a great week with your students. Can you believe that next week is March…   I am sending my memo today because I am planning to take the end of the week off.

What does community look, feel and sound like? Unfortunately, what some of the businesses experience downtown is not what a community looks like.

We need your help.   I have received a few calls from our local businesses downtown.  Today’s message came from Bruno’s Pizza.  Our students, on half days, are not well behaved in the community.  I know this is not everyone.  But please, I am asking that you have conversations with your children who walk downtown after school and on  half days.  This report was that our students are leaving trash, pizza and just a mess in their wake.  We will continue to work on this at school and if you could partner with us that would be great.  Thank you.

New Information:

Grade 8

  • Information from the high school.  Thursday - March 23, 2023 - 8th Grade/Scheduling Parent Night.  6:00 pm @ the High School.

  • We are working on 2 extended day trips for our grade 8 students to participate in.   We are looking at a day trip to New City, 6/1 and to New Hampshire, 5/30.  Some of our grade 8 teachers are working out the details and we will have permission slips and itineraries ready in a few weeks.

  • Kindness week was a real success.  If you follow our website and get our live 

feed notifications you can see some of the neat stuff we did last week.   


Office News:

  • With the advent of the new attendance alert system, alerts are going out earlier than in previous years. Per the MS Handbook, we ask parents to call the attendance line by 8:00 AM.  This is the best way to report absences as it is always cleared. 978-448-6155, option 5.  

  • We have noticed an increase in dismissals during the school day. While we understand parents have no control as to when doctor's appointments are scheduled, we do need you to send a note with your students to turn in at the office before the school day begins. This gives us time to prepare a dismissal list and quickly find your student when you arrive for pick up.

  • MCAS






April 5 & 6

May 2 & 3

May 16 & 17


April 5 & 6

May 2 & 3


April 10 & 11

May 9 & 10


April 10 & 11

May 9 & 10

May 16 & 17

Most make up sessions are immediately following the testing dates.

  • Get ready for volleyball tryouts or just come for fun! Varsity coach Heather Barlow and the GD varsity team will  be offering a two-week middle school volleyball clinic for boys and girls, starting March 7 (Tues, Thurs, Fri). Practices will be immediately after school in the North gym—2:45-4:15. Dates: March 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17. T-shirt included. Register today!

  • Scholarships and Clubs.  We want to make sure that all families know that if you wish for your student to participate in an afterschool club there are always opportunities for assistance.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or your student’s school counselor if you need some financial assistance.  We would never want a student to not play because of cost.

SEPAC: No SEPAC news at this time.

Dates to remember:

  • Updating SchoolBrains on 2/3  2/17  3/10  3/24

  • March 17th ½ day

  • MCAS will begin the 1st week of April

Sincerely your Groton Dunstable Regional Middle School Principal

Wendy Salvatore