Family memo

Hello Groton Dunstable Regional Middle School Families.  I hope you have a fantastic long weekend.

I’m not sure if your middle school students told you but we have had a couple of Killdeer birds in our front lawn across from the North main doors since we returned from April vacation.  We had the area blocked off with caution tape so that the protector of the nest would be safe.  We got in touch with the road race coordinators to make sure the birds were safe during that event and just this week their eggs hatched.  We had 4 baby Killdeer running around the property this week.  You should have seen Officer Pete doing his best to keep them out of the road when buses were pulling in.  So fun.  The students standing out at the front doors that day were out there with their phones taking video.  Nature at its best right there in our parking lot.

Human Growth and Development lessons are all complete.   I would like to thank the parents who came to see the presentations and for your support in this work.  I would like to give a big SHOUT OUT to our PE and Health teachers; Ms. Cardillo, Mr. Murphy and Mr. Lynch for teaching the lessons.  I would like to thank our Science teachers for giving up two classes for this work to happen and I would like to thank Ms. Pelletier for spearheading the effort.  It takes a village and we had one for this endeavor.

Most of this information is reminders:

  • School Tool Box is up and running  You can order your school supplies for next year as soon as you are ready.  We will be looking to get this on our website also.

  • OVERDUE BOOKS.  We need your help.  Please look for and return overdue books.  If you have any GDMS books at home please remind your students to bring them back to school.  If there are questions or if your student lost a book please notify Mrs. Hourani via email,  directly or stop into the north library. Overdues by grade are as follows: 5th 261, 6th 213, 7th, 66, 8th, 125.  Let's strive to get these numbers down!! Thanks from the Librarians!

  • With the warmer weather, this is a friendly reminder that sneakers are the only footwear that students should be wearing in the Gym.  Kindly remind your students that on PE days they need sneakers.

  • Best Buddies' last meeting of the year will be on Tuesday May 31st from 2:30-3:30. We will be meeting in the North Cafeteria. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating a great Best Buddies year! Please contact Ms. Blydenburgh if you have any questions.

4th Grade Families  Welcome to my weekly memo :)

  • Our visits to the elementary schools this week were a big success.  Please ask your students about it.  We passed out Hopes and Dreams sheets for your students to fill out and get to us.  Your 5th grade teachers are looking forward to reading all of them.  We can’t wait to see all the students here at the Middle School on Wednesday June 1st.   

8th Grade Families:

  • Students in Grade 8 are continuing their Civic duty (Section 4.2.c) to complete their "student-led nonpartisan civics project."They have gathered information about their topic, have learned how others have addressed the issue, and have decided on a course of action. Emails are being drafted, speeches written and practiced, materials collected for sculptures, images searched for infographics, and interviews of experts planned.  The students who are interested in using social media as a tool have been asked to have their adults acknowledge their choice - a letter has been sent home with those students. Ask your students what their topic is and how they are trying to follow the "campsite rule" of civics- to leave the place better than the way you found it. 


  • June 1st 7th grade field trip

  • June 3rd 5th grade fun day

  • June 7th Middle School Chorus Concert

  • June 9th Middle School Band Concert

  • June 13th, rain date June 14th, 6th Grade field day

  • June 13th 8th grade field trip

  • June 14th 8th grade parade 6:30@ GD Middle School run by GD families

  • June 15th Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony in the PAC 6-7pm.

  • June 15th after ceremony dance at the Groton Country Club run by GD families

  • June 16th last day of school


  • The Groton Dunstable MSPTO is sponsoring a Family Outing to Canobie Lake Park on Friday, June 17th. Please purchase tickets by Friday, June 10th. Please see this flyer for more information and to order tickets. Canobie Lake Flyer

Sincerely your Groton Dunstable Regional Middle School Principal, Wendy Salvatore