Swallow Union Update
Week of March 13th, 2023
Please check out our website's Live Feed section for pictures of enrichment activities and programs happening each week at Swallow Union!
On Thursday, our second graders raised the roof twice with their Chorus Concert as they performed before the whole student body and then later in the evening for their families. We have all enjoyed the welcome return to these events and our school community's appreciation of the arts. Thank you, Mrs. Mitchell, Second Grade Teachers, and Families for a memorable evening!
Building-Based Substitute Opening
Swallow Union is looking to hire a building-based substitute teacher - spread the word! This position recently became available, posted on School Spring Job ID# 4174547, and does not require a teaching certification. Please contact Mrs. Jarvis with any questions about this position!
Trimester 2
Trimester 2 ends on March 17th and report cards will be posted to the portal on April 4th, 2023.
Message from the Health Office
Beginning the week of March 27th during PE class, the nurses will be measuring heights and weights and calculating BMI for all students in Grades 1 and 4. This is required annually by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. All data will be provided to the MA DPH anonymously. This information is not automatically sent home to parents, however, if you wish to see your child’s BMI results, you may contact the nurse and we will be happy to provide this for you. Parents and guardians may also request, in writing, that their child not participate in this program. Please use this link BMI Screening Refusal Form (print and send in with your child or email it to jgervais@gdrsd.org or kdeloureiro@gdrsd.org) to inform the health office of your intent to opt your child out no later than Friday, March 17th.
Cradles to Crayons Clothing Drive ~ March 27th through March 31st
Will Lippman, Project 351 Ambassador, current 8th grader at GDRMS, and former Swallow Union graduate, has chosen our school as a Donation Site for this wonderfully important project. His spring service project is a clothing drive to benefit Cradles to Crayons. This nonprofit organization seeks to eliminate clothing insecurity by providing children from birth to age 12 with new or gently used clothing so they can go to school feeling confident and cared for.
If not reclaimed by March 27th, our Lost and Found Items will be sorted, cleaned, and donated to this organization.
Message from the PTO:
March 24 from 6-8 pm in the SU Gym & Cafe is the Tiger Twist Semi-Formal.
March 30 at 7 pm in the SU Library is the PTO Meet & Greet with Mrs. Jarvis & March General Meeting. Refreshments will be provided.
April 1 is the Elementary Science Fair! Volunteers are greatly needed. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080a49afab2fa0fe3-20231#/
April 6 we welcome Author/Illustrator, Matt Tavares to SU. To learn more about him, visit https://www.matttavares.com/. To purchase his books in advance, visit Dunstable's own Wickham & Willoughby, online at https://bookshop.org/shop/wickandwill, or at B&N or Amazon.
SEPAC Events
G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council - click here for upcoming events
Important Dates:
March 24th - PTO Tiger Twist Semi-Formal @ SU 6:00-8:00 pm
March 30th - PTO Meeting 7:00 pm - Meet & Greet with Principal Jarvis