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Swallow Union Update

Week of March 27th, 2023

Ti-GRRR Assembly

Ti-GRRR stands for Growth, Respect, Resilience, and Responsibility.

We held a school-wide assembly on Monday to talk about what it means to be part of a community, and how we each contribute to the welfare of that space.  We will be focusing on one core value every few weeks, starting with Growth.  I am so pleased and proud to share that we already have a few Ti-GRRR Cards up on our Ti-GRRR wall in the cafeteria.  Congratulations to those students who have been recently recognized for demonstrating what it means to show personal GROWTH!  We look forward to adding more examples of students embodying being a Ti-GRRR in our community!

A special thank you to Mrs. Mitchell and our Student Council for leading us in song as we begin to learn the words to our new school song “Roar” by Katie Perry, chosen by our student council.

Please take a moment and take a look at the presentation that was discussed at the assembly and continue to encourage and support your children to strive for being their best selves, positive members of our community, and Swallow Union Ti-GRRRs.

Message from the PTO:

April 1 is the Elementary Science Fair! Volunteers are greatly needed.

April 6 we welcome Author/Illustrator, Matt Tavares to SU. To learn more about him, visit To purchase his books in advance, visit Dunstable's own Wickham & Willoughby, online at, or at B&N or Amazon.

Important Dates:

April 6th - Author Visit - Matt Tavares

April 7th - Half Day - Dismissal at 12:15 pm

April 10th & 12th - Grade 4 ELA MCAS

April 11th & 13th - Grade 3 ELA MCAS

April 13th - Grade 1 Chorus Performance 7:00 pm

April 14th - Community Reading Day 9:00 - 10:15 am

April 17th - 21st - No School ~ Spring Vacation

April 24th through 28th - School Spirit Week 

April 28th - Half Day -Dismissal at 12:15 pm

GD Varsity Softball is selling custom GD Pura Vida adjustable bracelets. Great to buy for yourself or as a gift! Please help our players raise money to build protective softball dugouts at the high school.

Order now or email

SEPAC Events

 G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council - click here for upcoming events