Swallow Union Update
Week of April 24th, 2023
We had so much school spirit this week - the participation and creativity was outstanding and students and staff alike truly enjoyed the activities planned by our Student Council! We are on the home stretch of an amazing year of learning and growing with only 34 more days until summer break. We are focused on maximizing our instructional time with our students.
Mrs. Kristin DeFrancisco, Assistant Superintendent reminds us about the importance of ending well to begin well, and that is exactly what we are doing! On Thursday, she had the opportunity to spend the day at Swallow Union and then she ended her time by emailing us with her experience while she was engaged in the sights, sounds and feeling of our school community. I asked Mrs. DeFrancisco for her permission to share this email (below) with our families for it is an accurate reflection of our dedication to our students and ensure we will end well to begin well!
Hello Swallow Union Team!
I wanted to say thank you for welcoming me into your building today. Jill, Thank you also for trusting me with big things while you were out! What a wonderful day!
I got to see artists choosing cool and bold color families in art to turn into beautiful representations of geode slices. Did you know that if you sprinkle salt on a watercolor picture it absorbs the excess water? I learned this today.
I got to see mathematicians measuring shapes in centimeters and then calculating the perimeter of these shapes. There was some very careful measuring going on as well as explaining the why behind answers.
I saw students making meaning of multiplication and working on a skip counting strategy because multiplication is repeated addition.
I saw students organizing with boxes and bullets as they got ready to write non-fiction writing pieces about animals. Turtles, goats, moose, sea otters etc. I was struck most by the creative titles that writers were using for each section of their writing.
First graders were learning that sound is made by vibrations as they participated in activities led by a representative of the Acton Discovery Museum. They were very excited to take part in this hands-on science activity and also were able to make their own "laughing cups" to take home with them.
It was also fun to see students taking part in "dress like a teacher" day. Matching hair styles, ties and suit coats and even one student and teacher who planned to match exactly because they knew they owned the same shirt!
Finally, I got a chance to talk with Nurse Gervais about where we are going with specific PD/PL for our nursing staff in Groton-Dunstable.
From independent work, to using the chime, to turning and talking and so much more! Our students are very lucky to have all of you working hard to give them opportunities each day where they can build the skills they need and get curious about the world around them. I know that you feel lucky to have them too.
Can't wait to be back again soon. Have a wonderful Friday and even better weekend!
Kristin DeFrancisco
Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Message from the PTO:
The Book Fair is Coming to Swallow Union! The Fair will be held in the Library all day on Monday, May 8th and Tuesday, May 9th and will be open in the afternoon on Wednesday and Thursday for any students who may have been absent when their class visit took place.
If you are interested in volunteering at the Fair, the sign up genius link can be found here: Parent Volunteers: Spring Book Fair 2023 (signupgenius.com)
Please check out the Book Fair Homepage to sign up for the online payment system (e-wallet), do online book shopping and to keep track of the Book Fair progress. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/swallowunionelemschool1
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Book Fair chairs,
Lacey McCabe (lacey6290@icloud.com) and/or Jessica McCauley (jessica.miller.mccauley@gmail.com
Important Dates:
May 1st - Grade 4 Canoe Trip for 4O and 4F
May 2nd - Grade 4 Canoe Trip for 4J
May 8, 9, 10 - Scholastic Book Fair in the Library
May 8th-12th - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 11th - Grade 3 Chorus Concert @ 7:00 pm
May 12th - Kindergarten Mother's Day Tea
May 12th - PTO - Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
May 15th - 18th - Math MCAS
May 29th - No School - Memorial Day
May 31st & June 1st - Kindergarten Screening
June 2nd - 4th Grade Move-Up Day (rain date Monday, June 5th)
June 5th - Field Day K & 1
June 6th - Field Day Grade 4
June 6th - Field Trip to William's Barn 3rd grade - Colonial Life - 9-12:00
June 7th - Field Day Grades 2 & 3
June 9th - K Chorus Concert for Families @ 2:30 pm
June 15th - Half Day of School ~ Dismissal at 12:15 pm
June 16th - 4th Grade Moving On Ceremony @ 9:30 am
June 16th - Last Day of School & Half Day Dismissal at 12:15 pm
2nd Annual Bike Rodeo
GD is partnering with both the Groton and Dunstable police departments on Saturday, April 29 to host our second annual bike rodeo at GDRHS from 9a-1p. There will be a representative from MABikes conducting safety sessions for students preK-4 all day. Students will also have the opportunity to bike through an obstacle! We will be doing helmet fittings and giving away free helmets and bike lights for kids. The police officers will be talking about safety as well as meet and greet with the kids. Last but not least, both PE teachers from the district will be assisting with the entire event. It is sure to be a great day!
SEPAC Events
G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council - click here for upcoming events
Please join the Groton-Dunstable Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) Wednesday, May 17th at the Twomey Center at 9:30 am for our Coffee and Conversation Event. There's plenty of parking behind the building. We look forward to seeing you there!