Swallow Union Update
Week of May 8th, 2023
Today wraps up a truly amazing week of honoring our teachers, paraprofessionals, and school nurses for their dedication and contributions to our Swallow Union Community. Thank you to our fantastic PTO and families for your continued support and thoughtful gestures throughout the week ending in a fantastic luncheon and gift basket raffle today. We are all very grateful and feel so much appreciation from our families.
Another thank you for all that central office did to honor our teachers and staff with daily raffle winners, lunch on Wednesday, and words of encouragement and appreciation! This is more than just recognitions. We are modeling and teaching our students about how to think beyond themselves, ways little acts of kindness have a big impact, as well as the importance of positively contributing to our school community.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend ahead. To all of the mothers, Happy Mother’s Day!
Student Council Update
Student council reached out to both the Riverside Courts and Tyngsboro Council of Aging to see if there was a need for flower arrangements for the elder people of Dunstable. As fate would have it there was a celebration for Elder American's Month at the Tynsboro Council of Aging which Dunstable residents are included in! Our student leaders jumped right in on this and together made 20 flower arrangements for them and they were amazing! Our students loved making them and even more so loved that they were to cheer up our elders in our community.
Weekly Highlights
Thursday night Mrs. Lisa Mitchell led our third grade students in their performance which included showing off of their recorder skills, singing and sign language!
Bringing music and dance to recess and they broke out into a really fun dance party!
Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea , May 12th, 2023
Our first graders walked to the Dunstable Public Library today and spent some time becoming familiar with their town library, learning about all the fun things that are offered there, and the importance of being an active reader even in the summer!
PTO Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and Gift Basket Raffle
Swallow Union students created these amazing lawn posters for our luncheon and they are now proudly displayed in the front beds of our school.
Important Dates:
May 15th - 18th - Math MCAS
May 22nd - Fine Arts Festival
May 29th - No School - Memorial Day
May 31st & June 1st - Kindergarten Screening
June 2nd - 4th Grade Move-Up Day (rain date Monday, June 5th)
June 5th - Field Day K & 1
June 6th - Field Day Grade 4
June 6th - Field Trip to William's Barn 3rd grade - Colonial Life - 9-12:00
June 7th - Field Day Grades 2 & 3
June 9th - K Chorus Event for Families
June 15th - Half Day of School ~ Dismissal at 12:15 pm
June 16th - 4th Grade Moving On Ceremony @ 9:30 am
June 16th - Last Day of School & Half Day Dismissal at 12:15 pm
SEPAC Events
G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council - click here for upcoming events
Please join the Groton-Dunstable Special Education Parents Advisory Council (SEPAC) Wednesday, May 17th at the Twomey Center at 9:30 am for our Coffee and Conversation Event. There's plenty of parking behind the building. We look forward to seeing you there!