Week of October 30th, 2023
The goal of Fire Prevention Month is to spread fire safety awareness and educate students and communities to help us keep safe. Thank you to both Deputy Chief Kerrigan and Captain Bue for coming to speak to us on Monday about fire safety and prevention. Students were encouraged to ask their parents about what they have in their home to help detect a fire and to create a fire evacuation plan with a meeting spot outside of the home in the event of a fire. The Dunstable Fire Department’s website has some wonderful information and resources to help guide this discussion.
Important Dates:
November 7th - No School - Election Day - Teacher Professional Development
November 10th - No School - Veterans Day
November 16th - 2nd Annual Turkey Trot
November 20th & 21st - Half-Day Dismissal 12:15 pm & Parent Conferences
November 22nd - Half-Day Dismissal at 12:05 pm
November 23rd & 24th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
11/28 - Picture Retake Day
Safety Drill Today
Today, our school practiced a safety alert drill as part of our ALICE Drills. We were assisted by our School Resource Officer, Robert Wayne. This was a scheduled drill that entailed students and teachers practicing evacuating the school much like a fire drill. Once we were outside, we met up at our rally points - these are locations that in the event of a real emergency, would keep us safe out of view from the school. Please reach out with any questions or concerns. Our primary goal is to ensure the safety of students and staff - thank you for your support throughout the school year.
Ti-GRRR Awards
G ~ We believe that one can develop a GROWTH mindset and learn new things.
R ~ A RESPECTFUL school community member is considerate of others.
R ~ A RESPONSIBLE school community member takes care of themselves, others, and their environment.
R ~ A RESILIENT school community member takes on challenges, learns from mistakes, and experiences growth through this process.
Emma Dutton, nominated by Mrs. Jankoswki knows what it takes to show what it takes to be a Responsible student! She is also prepared and attentive when she comes to school and in doing so, is a great role model for her peers! Well done Emma!
4J is representing once again! Nathaniel Lambert is demonstrating what it means to show Growth as a writer - not just his writing skills but also his positive attitude and willingness to listen to feedback. Fantastic!
In Mrs. Fournier's class, we are recognizing Abby Lima for her outstanding Growth as a writer this school year. She has grown her writing skills from a few paragraphs into nine scenes in her narrative writing piece. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations to Morgan Lantagne (1S) for being recognized for the kindness that she shows to her classmates. She demonstrated what it means to be Respectful when she recognized a peer was in need of someone to play a math game with. Without hesitation, she included that peer by inviting them to join her group. Kindness matters!
GDRSD CORI Requirements
This past week it came to my attention that there was much confusion regarding whether or not volunteers coming into the school during the school day require a CORI Check. This confusion seems to come from past practice before me. So to be clear, ANY adult volunteering (in school events or out-of-school field trips) is required to be CORI’d regardless if they will be alone with a child or not. Once you have a CORI on file, it lasts for three (3) years. If you are not sure you have an up-to-date CORI, please email Mrs. Dzwonek (dzwonek@gdrsd.org) and inquire. CORI forms require you to be in person with a legal Driver’s License and you can complete this form in the school office. Any questions or concerns, please reach out. The GDRSD CORI Form can also be found on our school website.
Swallow Union Spirit Wear
It’s a great time to get some Swallow Union Spirit Wear, and delivery will be in time for the Holidays!
You can place orders at the Swallow Union Apparel Store - Orders due Sunday 11/19/23 or scan the QR code below. Orders are due by Sunday, November 19, and will be distributed by mid-December. 10% of the proceeds go to the Swallow Union PTO! Please include your student’s name and class in the Student Field when checking out (ex: John Doe (1C).
Loaves and Fishes
This is not just a place where you get a few cans of soup and a box of pasta. Here's a few key points that our GDRSD Nursing Coordinator, Lorinda Dishington Ortiz, M.Ed., BSN, RN, learned when she recently spoke with them.
They serve both Groton and Dunstable - last year only 3 Dunstable families came, but there are surely more in need. So we want to get the word out.
There is no income requirement - this is great for families that do not qualify for food stamps, but are still struggling to make rent/mortgage, car payment, or other bills. By coming to the food pantry the families get an average of $400-$500 worth of food a month. That frees up a big chunk of change to put towards other expenses.
They want to reach people before they are in crisis - if a family is struggling to get bills paid they want them to come in before they have a late payment or are facing eviction/foreclosure.
It's OK to come even if you have a nice house and fancy car. Things can happen to anyone that can tip the scale in the wrong direction - reduced work hours, unexpected emergencies like a furnace needing replacing, an unexpected medical bill that insurance didn't cover.
It's really good food. They often include meat, cheese, eggs, produce, bread, toilet paper, paper towels, pads/tampons, diapers, formula, Ensure. They even have toothbrushes, toothpaste, and sometimes pet food. There are gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options as well. They really work with people to get them the food they like and the things they need.
What they have asked of us is how can they help reach our school community? What barriers do you see or suggestions that you have that I can pass along to them? Would a presentation to staff be helpful? Please let me know if you have some suggestions!
Their website is here https://loavesfishespantry.org/
Holiday Help - Community Agencies
Once again, the Groton Commissioners of Trust and the Masons are offering to help families in need this holiday season. They want to provide assistance to any of our families by giving them holiday meals and gifts. If you know any families that might be able to use some help this year please feel free to let us know or fill out this form and return to the Swallow Union Health Office or it can be emailed to the nurses directly (email links are on the form attached HERE). The deadline for Thanksgiving Meals is November 10th and the deadline for Holiday Meals is December 8th.
School Start Time
The school day begins right at 8:55 am and both bus and parent drop off areas are completed at this time as well. If you bring your child to school after this time, please park in the parking lot and walk your child into the office to be signed in. Please do not drop your child off at the front door alone and please refrain from parking in the fire lane for safety reasons.
If your child(ren) will be absent for any reason, parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school by calling in the absence. All student absences must be reported by 8:55 am by calling (978) 649-7281, choose option #1 and provide your child(rens) name, teacher, and reason for absence. Anyone who calls after this timeframe may receive an automated call regarding your child’s absence from school without notification. This is in place to ensure all students are accounted for either at home or in school.
Wellness Policy
Below please find the District’s Wellness Policy that we follow in order to ensure we are reinforcing healthy habits as well as student allergies. Teachers will be working with their Room Parents, School Administration, School Nurses and our PTO to ensure food that comes into school for school sponsored events (not including PTO sponsored events) such as special classroom events and school-wide gatherings, adhere to this policy. Thank you in advance for helping us with this throughout the school year.
SEPAC Events
G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Community Education Fall Offerings
Groton Dunstable Community Education is proud to offer a variety of Fall Programs for all ages and interests:
-Click here to view our catalog.
-Visit our websitefor details, account creation and registration.
-Have any program ideas? We would love to hear from you. Please contact the GDCE office