Week of March 25th, 2024
Important Dates:
April 5th - Half-Day Dismissal at 12:15 pm
April 8 & 10 - Grade 4 ELA MCAS
April 9 & 11 - Grade 3 ELA MCAS
April 11th - 2nd Grade Concert @ 6:00 pm
April 15th - 19th - Spring Vacation
April 25th - 3rd Grade Concert @ 6:00 pm
April 29th - Half-Day Dismissal at 12:15 pm
PTO Updates
Science Fair - check out how hard the student's have been working on their projects on April 6 at the middle school!
Pottery Night - we're partnering with Time to Clay to host a pottery night in the SU Cafe on May 1 at 5:30. Register here by April 24! SU PTO Pottery Night (google.com)
SU Library Book Drive - help us refresh our book collection with books specifically requested by students! community: SU Book Drive (signupgenius.com)
Sculptures Inspired by Judith Scott
4th Grade Artwork is displayed in the front hallway glass case - be sure to check out these student masterpieces.
Judith Scott, Untitled, 1988-89, American Folk Art Museum, New York
Judith Scott was a contemporary artist born in 1965. Born deaf and with Down-Syndrome, Scott was isolated for much of her life. This time of hardship ended when she moved to California and began to make art for the first time at age 43. Her sculptures have found homes in the Museum of Modern Art, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the American Folk Art Museum, the Museum of Everything, and the Collection de l’Art Brut in Switzerland.
The 4th Grade artists in 4J and 4F learned about Judith Scott’s life, creative process, and experienced the joy and satisfaction to be had in working with yarn, found objects, paper, tape, and all manner of materials. Students wrapped, crumpled, tied, and engineered these sculptures in the spirit of this artist while learning about “assemblage” and why art is and should always be accessible to all perspectives and abilities.
Questions to ask your student:
What did it feel like to construct your sculpture?
What is hidden inside?
Source: Judith Scott. Art21. (n.d.). https://art21.org/artist/judith-scott/
Healthy Bites Newsletter: Breakfast Edition
Welcome to an edition of Healthy Bites! This month, we're diving into the importance of starting your day with a nutritious breakfast.
Why Breakfast Matters:
1. Fuel for the Day: Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and provides energy to kick-start your day. It replenishes your body's glucose levels, which are essential for brain function and physical activity.
2. Improved Concentration: A balanced breakfast can enhance focus and concentration in class. Studies show that students who eat breakfast perform better academically, and have better memory recall, concentration, and problem-solving skills.
What Makes a Good Breakfast:
1. Include Protein: Protein-rich foods like eggs, yogurt, milk, or nut butter help keep you feeling full and satisfied until lunchtime.
2. Fiber-Rich Foods: Incorporate whole grains, fruits, and vegetables into your breakfast for added fiber, which aids digestion and provides sustained energy.
3. Limit Added Sugars: Be mindful of sugary cereals, pastries, and sweetened beverages. Opt for natural sources of sweetness like fresh fruit or a drizzle of honey.
Quick and Easy Breakfast Ideas:
1. Greek Yogurt Parfait: Layer Greek yogurt with granola and fresh berries for a protein-packed and delicious morning treat.
2. Whole Grain Toast with Avocado: Top whole-grain toast with mashed avocado and a sprinkle of sea salt for a satisfying combination of healthy fats and carbohydrates.
3. Oatmeal with Nut Butter: Cook oatmeal with milk or water and swirl in a spoonful of almond or peanut butter for a creamy and filling breakfast.
Remember, breakfast is important! Make time to fuel your body and mind for success. It can be prepared the night before or wake up a little earlier to make sure you don’t skip breakfast. If you have any questions or need further guidance on healthy eating, don't hesitate to contact the school nurse.
We wish you all a happy and healthy weekend ahead!
Sincerely, Nurse Jen and Nurse Kate
Ti-GRRR Awards
G ~ We believe that one can develop a GROWTH mindset and learn new things.
R ~ A RESPECTFUL school community member is considerate of others.
R ~ A RESPONSIBLE school community member takes care of themselves, others and their environment.
R ~ A RESILIENT school community member takes on challenges, learns from mistakes and experiences growth through this process.
Myles Wilson & Charlie Degrass (3K) show Respect, kindness and compassion to another student who was not feeling well. These two young men also look out for their peers and are wonderful role models!
Tennyson “Bear” Carter (4J) exhibits Respect, Resilience and Responsibility day in and day out. Because of this, he has shown growth in all subjects this year! Bear is a model 4Jer and an exemplary SU Ti-GRRR!
Mason Nieto Williams (4J) has challenged himself to write a sentence about tacos (his favorite food) for each and every word of the day! His sentences are really fun to read and the class hopes he keeps this streak for the rest of this school year! #growth
June 6th: 6:30pm, June 7th: 6:30pm & June 8th: 2:00pm
SU Music Concerts will take place in April and May!
Grade 3 performs on April 25th at 6pm at SU.
Grade 1 performs on May 2nd at 6pm at SU.
Grade 2 performs on May 9th at 6pm at SU.
Grade 4 performs on May 30th at 6pm at SU.
4th Graders will also perform at the GDRSD Fine Arts Festival in the Middle School South PAC at 7pm on May 20th!
The Kindergarten "Informances" will take place in the music classroom from 11:30 - 12:00. KL is on June 4th, KM is on June 6th, and KO is on June 7th.
2024 MCAS Dates
April 9th and 11th - Grade 3 ELA
April 8th and 10th - Grade 4 ELA
May 14th and 16th - Grade 3 Math
May 13th and 15th - Grade 4 Math
Chambor Choir Concert/flyer
Sports Clinics
SEPAC Events
G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Message from GDEF ~ Please consider a donation.
The Groton Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF) is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting innovative and inspiring grants to enhance the quality of our students’ education. In the last academic year, GDEF awarded 12 grants across district schools totaling over $16,000 (information about all funded projects can be found here). If you or any loved ones are looking to make a year-end donation that will have an impact on your children's education, please consider donating to GDEF here. Your donations are directly returned to the hands and minds of students in the form of science, arts, technology, math, literacy, social-emotional learning, and civics programming.
Thank you for your support, The GDEF Board of Directors
The GDEF recently and graciously granted us funding to buy 16 wordless picture books for each of our Kindergarten classrooms. These books are an example of all the ways GDEF supports our students! Thank you for enriching our learning community!
School Start Time
The school day begins right at 8:55 am and both bus and parent drop off areas are completed at this time as well. If you bring your child to school after this time, please park in the parking lot and walk your child into the office to be signed in. Please do not drop your child off at the front door alone and please refrain from parking in the fire lane for safety reasons.
If your child(ren) will be absent for any reason, parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school by calling in the absence. All student absences must be reported by 8:55 am by calling (978) 649-7281, choose option #1 and provide your child(rens) name, teacher, and reason for absence. Anyone who calls after this timeframe may receive an automated call regarding your child’s absence from school without notification. This is in place to ensure all students are accounted for either at home or in school.
Wellness Policy
Below please find the District’s Wellness Policy that we follow in order to ensure we are reinforcing healthy habits as well as student allergies. Teachers will be working with their Room Parents, School Administration, School Nurses and our PTO to ensure food that comes into school for school sponsored events (not including PTO sponsored events) such as special classroom events and school-wide gatherings, adhere to this policy. Thank you in advance for helping us with this throughout the school year.