
Week of April May 13th, 2024

School Calendar 2023-24

May 20-24th - Spring Spirit Week

May 20th - Fine Arts Festival - MSN @ 7:00 pm

May 24th - Memorial Day Assembly @ 9:30 am for Students & Veteran’s

May 27th - No School - Memorial Day

May 30th - Grade 4 Concert @ 6:00 pm

May 30th & 31st - Incoming Kindergarten Screening

June 3rd - K & Grade 1 Field Day

June 4th - Grades 2 & 3 Field Day & KL Music Informance @ 11:30 am

June 5th - Grade 4 Field Day 

June 6th - KM Music Informance @ 11:30 am & Wizard of Oz Performance @ 6 pm

June 7th - KO Music Informance @ 11:30 am & Wizard of Oz Performance @ 6 pm

June 8th - Wizard of Oz Performance @ 2 pm

June 10th - 4th Grade Breakfast & Moving On Ceremony @ 9:30 am

June 11th - Last Day of School - 4th Grade School-Wide Clap Out & Dismissal at 12:15 pm

spirit week



Ti-GRRR Awards

G ~ We believe that one can develop a GROWTH mindset and learn new things.

R ~ A RESPECTFUL school community member is considerate of others.

R ~ A RESPONSIBLE school community member takes care of themselves, others and their environment.

R ~ A RESILIENT school community member takes on challenges, learns from mistakes and experiences growth through this process.


Emma Lieneck (1C) has shown amazing Perseverance this year, especially in math! She works hard with a positive attitude and this is why she has shown so much Growth!

Arthur Menezes (1C) shows Respect and Responsibility by helping out a friend who could not find their iPad! He went out of his way to help and located the missing iPad.

picLeo Charbonneau (2B) showed Responsibility during a fire drill. When he was out of the classroom when it began, he not only went to the nearest classroom, he helped Mrs. Ackerman take her students out safely!

Julian Santos (2B) shows Respect and kindness every day in school! When someone wanted something in the lunchroom, Julian was kind and gave it to a classmate.

Lincoln Gannon (2B) is always a fantastic Ti-GRRR! He has worked hard this year to be a responsible worker, has blossomed as a learner, and is respectful in all he does!

Henry Lacasse (2B) has shown a Growth mindset lately in his learning. He has been working hard to start, persevere through and finish his work. Great job, Henry!


Toby Andriole-Sturm (4F) showed Growth by stepping out of his comfort zone during the recent River Classroom Canoe Field Trip. He was part of a very successful research team and eagerly hopped into a canoe to further study the Squannacook River Watershed!

Anna Logiodice (4F) showed Responsibility by representing Swallow Union responsibly during the recent River Classroom Canoe Field Trip. She very politely volunteered to help the guide demonstrate how to stay safe in the canoe!

Estella Carvalho-Garofano (4J) has worked hard throughout the last module in math which focused on fractions. She demonstrated Growth when she took the end of Module Assessment! Hard work pays off!


Neel Kauffmann (KO) is always kind and Respectful and gives his peers and teachers compliments. He is willing to help others like when he helped Mrs. Lattini clean up after extra recess!

picBryce McInnis (KO) has been working hard to follow classroom expectations consistently. His Growth really shows and he has been doing his best work during Writer’s Workshop and Center time.

Mookie Schneider (KO) helped a classmate with an iPad issue when Mrs. Olson was busy helping another student. He helped that friend sign into Epic and walked them through the steps to make sure they were all set!


Emilie Dias (KM) has worked hard to learn MORE Snap words! She is showing so much Growth with her focus on reading and math every day. Great work!

Max LaCasse (KM) has shown Growth this year by staying focused and on task when working independently. He has so much pride in all he has accomplished! When you work hard, it pays off!

Connor Caggiano and Annalise Conant (3K) are truly Ti-GRRRs! They both were brand new students at Swallow Union this year and have been an amazing addition to their class. They have shown so much Growth - they work hard academically and socially and have made a lot of new friends!

PTO Updates

PTO Board Elections - Monday, June 3, 8 pm, SU Library. All board positions are one-year terms so each role is up for re-election. We ALWAYS need volunteers and board members, consider helping out next year by completing the interest form by 5/24: 2024-2025 Swallow Union PTO Interest Form - Google Forms

Volunteer Appreciation Day - Sunday, June 2! To our wonderful volunteers, keep an eye out for an invitation to watch a movie in the theatre with your family, on us!

Book Drive - Help us replenish the SU library with books requested by the students! The book drive is open until May 31. Donated books will include a dedication to the family that contributed so your legacy stays at SU. SU Book Drive (signupgenius.com)

Fun Fridays: There are few spots left to sign up for a Fun Friday! You can sign up as a class, with friends, or as a community group, the possibilities are endless and even a simple gesture goes a long way.


June 6th: 6:30pm

June 7th: 6:30pm

June 8th: 2:00pm

Grade 4 performs on May 30th at 6 pm at SU.

4th Graders will also perform at the GDRSD Fine Arts Festival in the Middle School South PAC at 7pm on May 20th!

Kindergarten "Informances" will occur in the music classroom from 11:30 - 12:00. KL is on June 4th, KM is on June 6th, and KO is on June 7th.

Healthy Bites Newsletter- Tick Safety

Welcome to our latest edition of the Healthy Bites Newsletter! Today we are talking about bites-but not the healthy kind. As spring arrives, so does the increase in outdoor activities for our students. While this is wonderful for many reasons, it does increase the likelihood of encountering ticks. Ticks are tiny creatures that can pose health risks, so it's essential to be informed and take preventative measures. Here are some important tips to ensure the safety of your child and yourself.

1. Know Your Enemy: Understanding Ticks

Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of animals, including humans. They are commonly found in grassy, wooded areas, and even urban parks. Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and others.

2. Dress Appropriately: Tick-Proof Clothing

Wear long sleeves, long pants, and closed-toe shoes when venturing into wooded or grassy areas. Tucking pant legs into socks or shoes can help prevent ticks from crawling up the legs.  Light-colored clothing makes it easier to spot ticks as well. 

3. Tick Checks: Routine Inspection

After outdoor activities, thoroughly check your body and your child's body for ticks. Pay close attention to areas such as the scalp, behind the ears, under the arms, around the waist, and behind the knees. Promptly remove any ticks found using fine-tipped tweezers, grasping the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible and pulling upward with steady, even pressure.

4. Tick Repellents: Safeguarding with Sprays

Consider using insect repellents on exposed skin and clothing, but always follow the product instructions carefully, especially regarding application to children.

5. Stay on Trails: Avoid Tick Hotspots

Stay on designated trails and avoid walking through tall grasses or brushy areas where ticks may be abundant. It is important to stay away from leaf litter and wooded areas when possible.

6. Tick-Safe Play: Outdoor Precautions

While enjoying outdoor play, avoid sitting directly on the ground, especially in areas known to be tick habitats. Play in sunny, dry areas away from dense vegetation.

7. Seek Medical Attention: Know the Signs

See a doctor if you are unable to remove the entire tick, if symptoms such as fever, or flu-like symptoms develop, if a rash gets bigger and develops a bull's eye pattern, or if the tick bite looks infected. Early detection and treatment of tick-borne diseases are crucial for successful recovery.

Together, let's ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience for all!

Stay safe and healthy,

Nurse Jen and Nurse Kate

SEPAC Events

G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council

Message from GDEF ~ Please consider a donation.

The Groton Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF) is a local nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting innovative and inspiring grants to enhance the quality of our students’ education. In the last academic year, GDEF awarded 12 grants across district schools totaling over $16,000 (information about all funded projects can be found here). If you or any loved ones are looking to make a year-end donation that will have an impact on your children's education, please consider donating to GDEF here. Your donations are directly returned to the hands and minds of students in the form of science, arts, technology, math, literacy, social-emotional learning, and civics programming. 

Thank you for your support, The GDEF Board of Directors

The GDEF recently and graciously granted us funding to buy 16 wordless picture books for each of our Kindergarten classrooms.  These books are an example of all the ways GDEF supports our students!  Thank you for enriching our learning community!