
Week of June 3rd, 2024


School Calendar 2023-24

June 7th - Wizard of Oz Performance @ 7 pm

June 8th - Wizard of Oz Performance @ 2 pm

June 10th - 4th Grade Breakfast 9 am & Moving On Ceremony @ 9:30 am

June 11th - Last Day of School - 4th Grade School-Wide Clap Out & Dismissal at 12:15 pm

This has been one busy week between field days, K informances, Wizard of Oz practices, the middle school Band Director met with our 4th graders to explore musical instruments with them, Mr. Kimpton brought his giant American Flag for us to hold and greet our students as they arrived on our last Friday of the school year, and Mr. Gordon treated the students to his famous magic show.

There are so many people to thank for making all this possible - the numerous parent volunteers between the play and field days. Mr. Swift for his tireless efforts to ensure a fun experience for our 4th-grade actors/actresses. Mrs. O’Neill, thank you for your time and energy on the play and our students. Mrs. Pelletier, thank you for staying with SU and carrying forward the amazing stations during Field Day. Thank you so much for ensuring our students have a fantastic end to their school year filled with wonderful memories with their friends and classmates that will last a lifetime.

A few sneak peek pictures of the Wizard of Oz for those attending tonight and tomorrow! Be sure not to miss this truly amazing performance - our 4th graders have been working so hard on the stage and the crew hands behind the scenes!


Ti-GRRR Awards

G ~ We believe that one can develop a GROWTH mindset and learn new things.

R ~ A RESPECTFUL school community member is considerate of others.

R ~ A RESPONSIBLE school community member takes care of themselves, others, and their environment.

R ~ A RESILIENT school community member takes on challenges, learns from mistakes, and experiences growth through this process.

Theo Neff (1S) has shown so much Growth in his ability to work independently and cooperatively with his partners and classmates. Keep up the good work, Theo!

Riley Markham (1S) has made outstanding academic Growth this year. Most importantly, she has shown great empathy, support, and Responsibility in her friendship.

Aeron Martin (1S) has worked hard and he has made wonderful academic Growth this year! He has always been great at math and now demonstrates that he is a wonderful reader and writer.

Ethan Tousignant (1S) is outgoing, well-liked, and always kind to his classmates. He has worked hard in school and made excellent progress and Growth!

Laci Smith (1S) is a creative and friendly student who loves to learn in school. She is very helpful in the classroom and is willing to help whenever it is needed. #Responsible

CardLiam Goodman (1C) showed Growth and Resilience while doing his IXL snapshot. He stayed focused and worked for 45 minutes straight! Well done, Liam!

Norah Hertel (1C) has been a kind and Respectful friend all year. She is always willing to help out her classmates and teachers. Thank you, Norah!

Renee Roberts (1C) consistently gives her best effort and works hard at everything she does. Her Resilience truly shines! Keep up the good work!

CardNora Logiodice (1A) is always a kind and Respectful member of our classroom. She is always kind and thoughtful to her teachers and friends alike!

Colt Tully (1A) has been working very hard and shows Resilience each day in school. He is always kind to his classmates and teachers. Nice job, Colt!

Nora Stewart (1A) has made good choices all year - she consistently puts in her best effort every day. She is super Respectful and a joy to have in class!

Andrew Everett (1A) is always Respectful to his friends and teachers. He is appreciated for this kindness and for being a great friend to his classmates!

CardKayla Caulfield (KM) shows what it means to be a Ti-GRRR - she loves to learn and try new things, even when she thinks it may be tough! 

Kevin Custodio (KM) loves to play and make friends. He has worked very hard in reading, writing, and math and his efforts certainly show! Great job, Kevin! #Growth

Kenzie Caulfield (KM) shows what it means to be a Ti-GRRR - she always comes to school with a smile on her face and a great attitude! 

CardEtta Rafferty (1A) shows grit! Whenever she is presented with a challenge, she works hard until the task is complete. #Resilience

Patrick Renna (1A) has been working hard on listening and following directions and knows what it means to be Respectful. Keep up the good work!

Cameron Karl (1A) is a good friend. He works hard in the classroom and playground to make sure everyone is included. Thank you for showing Respect and Responsibility!

Ryan Fairbarn (1A) has consistently made good choices all year long and is a wonderful example of being a kind and Respectful friend right from the first day of school!

CardAlvin Fan (1C) has been Respectful and kind all year to his teachers and classmates. He also shows perseverance through tasks that are a challenge! #Resilience

Annie DiNicola (1C) is always Respectful and willing to help a friend in need. She has been working hard all year and consistently shows Growth and perseverance!

CardLexie Vitolo (1S) is a very thoughtful and Respectful young girl who has made excellent Growth in 1st grade! It has been a pleasure having Lexie in my class this year.

Jacob Nguyen (1S) is a hard-working student who loves to learn. He is very Responsible about his classwork and is an enthusiastic participant in all class activities!

Theo Vrouhas (1S) has an outstanding work ethic and he is very Resilient in meeting challenges at school. Theo has made great Growth in all academic areas this year!

CardIvinn Tek (1C) has shown a lot of Growth this year. He has persevered while working hard. He has also been a kind, helpful friend!

Healthy Bites Newsletter- Tick Safety

Welcome to our latest edition of the Healthy Bites Newsletter! Today we are talking about bites-but not the healthy kind. As spring arrives, so does the increase in outdoor activities for our students. While this is wonderful for many reasons, it does increase the likelihood of encountering ticks. Ticks are tiny creatures that can pose health risks, so it's essential to be informed and take preventative measures. Here are some important tips to ensure the safety of your child and yourself.

1. Know Your Enemy: Understanding Ticks

Ticks are small arachnids that feed on the blood of animals, including humans. They are commonly found in grassy, wooded areas, and even urban parks. Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and others.

2. Dress Appropriately: Tick-Proof Clothing

Wear long sleeves, long pants, and closed-toe shoes when venturing into wooded or grassy areas. Tucking pant legs into socks or shoes can help prevent ticks from crawling up the legs.  Light-colored clothing makes it easier to spot ticks as well. 

3. Tick Checks: Routine Inspection

After outdoor activities, thoroughly check your body and your child's body for ticks. Pay close attention to areas such as the scalp, behind the ears, under the arms, around the waist, and behind the knees. Promptly remove any ticks found using fine-tipped tweezers, grasping the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible and pulling upward with steady, even pressure.

4. Tick Repellents: Safeguarding with Sprays

Consider using insect repellents on exposed skin and clothing, but always follow the product instructions carefully, especially regarding application to children.

5. Stay on Trails: Avoid Tick Hotspots

Stay on designated trails and avoid walking through tall grasses or brushy areas where ticks may be abundant. It is important to stay away from leaf litter and wooded areas when possible.

6. Tick-Safe Play: Outdoor Precautions

While enjoying outdoor play, avoid sitting directly on the ground, especially in areas known to be tick habitats. Play in sunny, dry areas away from dense vegetation.

7. Seek Medical Attention: Know the Signs

See a doctor if you are unable to remove the entire tick, if symptoms such as fever, or flu-like symptoms develop, if a rash gets bigger and develops a bull's eye pattern, or if the tick bite looks infected. Early detection and treatment of tick-borne diseases are crucial for successful recovery.

Together, let's ensure a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience for all!

Stay safe and healthy,

Nurse Jen and Nurse Kate

SEPAC Events

G-D Special Education Parent Advisory Council