
September 13th, 2024

School Calendar 2024-25


September 17th - PTO General Meeting 

September 20th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

September 26th - Open House Grades 1-4 - 5:45 pm to 7:15 pm

September 27th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

September 27th - PTO Color Run - Evening @ Swallow Union

October 2nd - Custodian Appreciation Day

October 4th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

October 14th - Indigenous People's Day - No School

October 17th - Picture Day

October 18th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

October 25th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

First Six Weeks - Belonging and Community Building

At the beginning of the school year, we are focused on building a safe and respectful school environment in every learning space. Classroom teachers foster belonging through community-building activities such as morning meetings, activators, daily sharing, and finding commonalities among us. 

This year, I have been intentional about ways I can be part of those important building blocks to the day and lives of the students we teach by joining in Morning Meeting. This week I joined in with our First graders. I was able to play a “hide the koosh” name game in 1A and sing along in 1S to celebrate a birthday while joining in their morning greeting “Who Do You See?”

The view from the whole-group rug is the best in my opinion!

Please visit our LIVE FEED section of our school website throughout the year to see what our students and teachers are engaged in!

Here are more examples of community building and belonging at Swallow Union - bulletin boards in our hallways displayed for us to see what makes each classroom unique.

Swallow Union School Council

The council is comprised of equal representation of parents and teachers and we aim to meet a minimum of five (5) times per year with our first meeting in October. The main responsibilities of the School Council are to:

  • Assist principals in preparing school improvement plans and goals that are consistent with district and local educational policies and standards.

  • Assist in identifying the educational needs of the students at Swallow Union

  • Review the School Budget and provide input on the budgeting process for school improvement.

Please contact Jill Jarvis ( by September 27th, 2024 if you want to volunteer to serve on our School Council for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Swallow Union Open House

September 26th, 2024

5:45 pm to 7:15 pm

Parents/guardians of elementary school students in grades 1 through 4, you are invited to attend Open House on Thursday, September 26th.  This is an opportunity to meet your child's (rens) teachers and learn:

  • What the teacher is like as a person

  • How the teacher will help your child(ren) thrive

  • How you can be involved in your child('s) education 

  • Learn the classroom routines, rules, and expectations

  • Learn about what your child(ren) will be learning

The goal of this evening is for families to make connections about what students are doing in school and be able to engage in conversations at home about their day at school.  Parents involved in their child(rens) education often result in children who are more likely to be motivated to learn and succeed, increasing their self-esteem and confidence.

Our PTO will also be present throughout the evening so you can learn more about the organization, volunteer opportunities, and donations.

5:45 pm to 6:15 pm

Grades 3 & 4

Go to Classroom

6:15 pm to 6:45 pm

Grades 1, 2, 3, & 4

Visit Specialists in their classrooms

6:45 pm to 7:15 pm

Grades 1 & 2

Go to Classroom

Please note: This evening is designed for informational purposes, not for conferencing with teachers regarding individual students, and is an adult-only evening.

PTO Updates

  • Fun Fridays are back! Want to show how much we appreciate our teachers and staff? Sign up for a Fun Friday, as an individual or as a class! https://www.



  • Spirit Wear Store is open until 9/22! Check out our new merch, featuring new colors! Swallow Union Apparel Store - Orders due 9/22/24

  • Back to School Color Run - September 27 at 4:30pm @SU! Check your student's folder for the registration form. This is our biggest and arguably our most fun event of the year. Don't forget to let your former SU friends know that they're welcome to join!

  • PTO General Meeting - please note the date change to 9/17 at 7pm in the SU Library. All are welcome!

  • 3rd Grade Families - don't forget, you're in charge of the Monster Mash this year and next! It's currently scheduled for October 25. It would be great to identify a few parents to lead the charge and get planning.

Groton Dunstable Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)


Breakfast Program

GDRSD will offer free breakfast to all students starting this Tuesday, September 3rd. 

If you have a child(ren) getting breakfast at school, please review the process with them to ensure a smooth rollout. While their teachers have reviewed this with them in class, reminding them at home is helpful, especially on Tuesday morning. 

Once your child arrives at the school, instead of going to their classrooms first, they will go straight to the kitchen to pick up their breakfast, the same way they pick up their lunch.  Once there, they will select a “Grab and Go” breakfast and bring it to their classrooms to eat. This will ensure students are present for all morning-related tasks including attendance.

To check out the menu please visit our website - Click HERE for the food planner link, find our school, and click and both breakfast and lunch menus will be there.