September 27th, 2024
October 2nd - Custodian Appreciation Day
October 4th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm
October 14th - Indigenous People's Day - No School
October 17th - Picture Day
October 18th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm
October 25th - Friday Half Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm
First Six Weeks - Belonging and Community Building
At the beginning of the school year, we are focused on building a safe and respectful school environment in every learning space. Classroom teachers foster belonging through community-building activities such as morning meetings, activators, daily sharing, and finding commonalities among us.
I jumped into 4th-grade morning meetings this week - here is what we were up to!
In Ms. Marino’s class, Ms. Woods, the School Counselor, led us on a Second-Step Lesson about the tool of rethinking when our emotional and logical brains are unbalanced.
We then began the morning meeting by greeting one another until the freeze signal, and we found something about our last partner that we had in common. Noah and I learned that we both love Italian food!
In Mrs. Jankowski’s class, it was show-and-tell time after our unique countdown greeting. I know what you are thinking: show-and-tell for 4th graders? But wow, did our students have some pretty amazing shares—special logo work clothes from their parent's company and a shark tracking bracelet, to name a few! Pictured below is Zoey sharing a fantastic magic trick she just learned.
Ralph Masiello, Illustrator, works on the new K-4 Swallow Union Mural
Thank you to our PTO! Last spring, Ralph Masiello, Illustrator, visited our school and met with each grade level to learn how to draw! His ability to connect and engage our students was so impactful that our PTO explored having him return to work with our students and staff to create a new mural for our school. In collaboration with GDEF (Groton Dunstable Education Foundation), Ralph is working with Ms. Gwedolyn Johnston, SU Art Teacher, to create our masterpiece.
Here is a sneak peek at the artwork that will adorn the entrance to the front office. Stay tuned for the final project and unveiling!
New Signs at Parent Drop off & Pick up
We have new signs to help ensure student safety during parent drop-off and pick-up. This will create a loading/unloading “zone” for families. Cars that pull into the “zone” (between the cones) will be able to let their child(ren) out at drop-off, and it will be the loading zone at pick-up. Thank you in advance for cooperating in staying in the zone—student safety first!
Parent/Guardian Notes Required for any changes in Dismissal
If your child(ren) has a change in dismissal from their regular plan, a written note or email to the teacher is required. Please be sure to send that note the same day noting the change. From there, those notes go to the office, where we verify the change and create a bus slip for the bus drivers. This ensures students are going where their parents have arranged and provides permission to the bus drivers to take them (or drop them off at a different stop). Students are not allowed to change their dismissal plans on their own. Thank you for your cooperation on this as well.
Healthy Bites-Welcome Back!
Your school nurses want to welcome you back to Swallow Union, and we thought we’d start the year with some general information about the nurse’s office and reminders about how we can all have a healthy, successful year.
Nurse Jen or Nurse Kate are in the Health Office daily from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. We can be reached by phone at 978-649-7281 extension 6233 and by email at and
Please see our link on the Swallow Union website under ‘School Resources’ for information about the health office, health screenings, frequently needed forms, links to great resources, and much more!
Check out this link for tips for keeping your child healthy and in school: Tips for Staying Healthy
One of the best ways to keep each other healthy is by staying home when we are not feeling well. Below are the GDRSD guidelines for when students should stay home or maybe be dismissed home.
Fever of 100 Degrees Fahrenheit or higher – Students must be fever-free for 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medication such as Tylenol or Motrin) before returning to school. Fever-reducing medicine may cover up a fever, and the fever could return when the medicine wears off. Your child should remain home for 24 hours after the fever has passed.
Vomiting or Diarrhea—At the school nurse's discretion, Students may return to school 12-24 hours after the last episode.
Uncontrollable Cough
Contagious Bacterial Infection (such as strep throat, conjunctivitis, impetigo, etc.) – Students need to be on antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school.
Suspicious Rash – Students may return to school with written documentation from a healthcare provider certifying that the rash is not contagious.
Serious Illness or Injury
Untreated lice infestation
Thank you for helping to keep our school community healthy, and here’s to a great year!
Nurse Jen and Nurse Kate
Fall Picture Day is almost here!
Thursday, October 17th, is Picture Day! We are thrilled to partner with Geskus Studios once again this year to capture the best of your children.
We are seeking 2-3 parent volunteers to assist on picture day. This entails helping classrooms and students transition to and from pictures, helping students be at their best and "camera ready," and keeping the flow of the day. Those who volunteer will receive their child's photos for free! If you are interested, please email me at
Order forms will be sent home in the next week or so - ordering online is also an option! Click HERE for the link to the website.
Swallow Union School Council
The council is comprised of equal representation of parents and teachers, and we aim to meet a minimum of five (5) times per year, with our first meeting in October. The primary responsibilities of the School Council are to:
Assist principals in preparing school improvement plans and goals consistent with district and local educational policies and standards.
Assist in identifying the educational needs of the students at Swallow Union
Review the School Budget and provide input on the budgeting process for school improvement.
Please get in touch with Jill Jarvis ( by September 27th, 2024, if you want to volunteer to serve on our School Council for the 2024-2025 school year.
PTO Updates
Fun Fridays are back! Want to show how much we appreciate our teachers and staff? Sign up for a Fun Friday as an individual or as a class!
3rd Grade Families - remember, you're in charge of the Monster Mash this year and next! It's currently scheduled for October 25. It would be great to identify a few parents to lead the charge and get planning.
Groton Dunstable Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)
SEPAC will be hosting Dr. Bruno and Jill Greene at our upcoming Dessert and Discussion on Tuesday, October 1st, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please drop by to meet the new Superintendent, have dessert, and chat with Jill. If you have any questions, please email We hope that you can join us!