wall of honor

November 8th,2024

School Calendar 2024-25


November 11th - No School - Veteran's Day

November 14th - Grade 3 Plimoth Plantation Trip

November 21st through 27th - Celebrate Fall Spirit Week

November 25th - Evening Teacher Conferences

November 25-27th - Dismissal at 12:17 pm - Teacher Conferences

November 28 & 29 - No School - Thanksgiving Recess & Native American Heritage Day

December 5th - Picture Re-take Day

Message from SU School Council

November 13th is World Kindness Day, and our student council representatives have been working hard to create a school-wide celebration! 

We will be having some of our student council members perform skits in classrooms around kindness and being supportive bystanders. 

Other student council reps will decorate the bulletin board next to the office along the upstairs sensory path. This will be an interactive bulletin board as each grade level and class will have its own paper color, and kids will be able to write acts of kindness or kind words/compliments about others. Here is a video about World Kindness Day we wanted to share with our families.

Wall of Honor - Grade 2 Team


Our second-grade students and team started a new tradition - the Wall of Honor - as we enter this Veteran’s Day Weekend. Students and Staff were encouraged to add military friends and/or family members to the wall. If you come to volunteer to visit SU, this display can be found on the bulletin board in the 2nd grade wing.

GDEF Teaching Stars

Are you looking for a unique way to recognize a Teacher, Administrator, or Other Staff/Community Member for their hard work and the impact they’ve had on your child? GDEF Teaching Stars are the perfect gift! They are a great way to say "Thank You" while helping enrich the schools by donating to the Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF). Certificates are great for showing your gratitude in November or as a holiday gift in December! Learn more here about how to show an educator how much they are appreciated with a Teaching Star: https://www.gdefinc.org/teaching-star

PTO Updates

  • Square1 Art: Deadline to order is TODAY, November 8. Get those holiday gifts ordered! 

  • Trivia Night: Friday, November 15, 7pm, Pepperell VFW. Pull together a team or join a table when you arrive! Venmo @SwallowUnion_Elementary_PTO to sign up. Check out the silent auction - start your bids on your favorite baskets now!  Silent Auction link

  • Spirit Wear is back! We received requests to open the store again for the holidays, orders will arrive around 12/16. The online store will close on 11/17. Swallow Union Apparel Store - Orders due 11/17/24

  • Fun Fridays: Want to show how much we appreciate our teachers and staff? Sign up for a Fun Friday, as an individual or as a class! Fun Friday Sign Up

Groton Dunstable Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC)


Parent/Guardian Notes Required for any changes in Dismissal

If your child(ren) has a change in dismissal from their normal plan, a written note or email to the teacher is required. Please be sure to send that note the same day noting the change. From there, those notes go to the office, where we verify the change and create a bus slip for the bus drivers. This ensures students are going where their parents have arranged and provides permission to the bus drivers to take them (or drop them off at a different stop). Students are not allowed to change their dismissal plans on their own.