January 10, 2025
Dear Ti-GRRR Families,
Happy New Year! We hope everyone enjoyed a restful winter break. Now that we are back, the cold temperatures have definitely reminded us that winter is here. While some of us are snow enthusiasts (and some are not!), we know many of our students are eagerly waiting for a snow day.
For safety reasons, when the temperature (including wind chill) drops below 20 degrees, we keep our students indoors. This week, that meant indoor recess every day. Although it may be disappointing for some, we made the most of it! Indoor recess provides a unique opportunity for students to interact with different friends, try out new games, and work on important social and problem-solving skills.
I had a blast engaging with students in this setting. In first grade, I had fun playing with dinosaurs and exchanging friendship bracelets and rings. Meanwhile, in fourth grade, I was challenged to a game of Jenga and enjoyed some fun math games with the students.
The good news is that with the possibility of snow tomorrow, temperatures are expected to rise, and the ten-day forecast looks promising for an uninterrupted week of outdoor recess. We’re looking forward to getting back outside.
Thank you for your continued support, and here's to a great start to 2025!
Jill Jarvis
Happy New Year from our amazing team here at Swallow! #Ti-GRRRfamily #belonging
Please be sure to visit our Live Feed on our Website to keep up to date on all the exciting things happening both at Swallow Union and in the district.
January 17th - District Half-Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm
January 20th - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 3rd-7th - National School Counselors Week
February 7th - District Half-Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm
February 10th-14th - School Spirit Week
February 14th - Half-Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm
February 17th-21st - School Vacation
GD Staff Spotlight
We proudly share that two SU colleagues were nominated in the GD Staff Spotlight ~ Helen Dzwonek and Nancy Murphy.
This is the staff recognition program as a way of highlighting and recognizing the wonderful things that our staff do daily to support their students and colleagues. Nominations can come from other staff members, parents, or students as we continue to work together with a concerted focus as a District on celebrating one another and strengthening our sense of belonging within our communities (schools and towns).
The presentation will also be shown on the Groton Channel and shared via social media and the District Website. If you are interested in tuning into this meeting next week, it will be at 7 pm on 1/22 in the Middle School PAC and on the Groton Channel. Below is the Groton Channel website link, where you can watch it online.
Please join me and our School Committee in recognizing Helen, Nancy, and several other district colleagues!
Message from PACH Outreach
Student Expectations for Device Damages
Given the number of damaged devices across the district, this serves as a reminder of the District’s Technology Policy per our Elementary Student Handbook (Section 8, page 18). Please note the following section, Student Expectations for Device Damages (page 20):
Parents are responsible for the cost of damaged or lost Chromebooks or iPads, similar to textbooks.
Typical repair costs range from $75 to $100, while a replacement due to loss or extreme damage costs $275.
Parents who face financial hardship should contact their student’s principal.
Umass Lowell Riverhawks Hockey Night is TOMORROW! January 11 at 6:05 pm. Tickets are $15, click here to purchase:
https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Swallowunion6Tiger Twist: Save the date! Friday, April 4, 5:30-7:30. Your student + their selected adult can get dressed up and dance the night away (or just enjoy hanging with friends and eating some snacks)!
Fun Fridays: Want to show how much we appreciate our teachers and staff? Sign up for a Fun Friday as an individual or as a class! Fun Friday Sign Up
Unified Bowling for Grades K-8
Littleton Parks & Recreation, in partnership with Special Olympics Massachusetts, will offer a 6-week inclusive candlepin bowling program at Acton Bowl-a-drome. The program is for anyone in Grades K - 8 with intellectual and/or emotional disabilities. We are also recruiting players/partners, individuals who do not have an intellectual disability, to team up and bowl with the athletes.
All our welcome, including players/partners, to participate as well (Separate Registration)
Players/Partners- are for community members who do not require or have any intellectual disability and would like to participate in the program.
Parents of unified athletes will need to complete the customizable form (Attached to registration). All participants are required to complete Campdocs to participate (Will be emailed to you separately after registration).
Registrants would need to be brought to the location of the program and picked up from the program.
Volunteers: Littleton PRCE is seeking volunteers to assist with this program. Please register below!
Thursdays, January 23rd- March 6th (No program on Feb 20)
Grades K-4 Time: 4:00 pm-5:00 pm
Grades 4-8 Time: 5:00 pm-6:00 pm
Location: Acton Bowl-a-Drome
2025 Winter Lowell Unified Basketball Program
Unified basketball program for ages 13 years and older. The program will meet at Lowell Catholic High School on Sunday afternoons from 1 to 2 pm, starting January 26th and ending on March 30th.
Thank you for your interest in registering for this program. Please click the sign-up button below to begin registration.
If you do not receive a confirmation email after registering, please contact Ops@SpecialOlympicsMA.org
Holly Keane
Community Resource Specialist
Department of Developmental Services
GDEF Teaching Stars
Are you looking for a unique way to recognize a Teacher, Administrator, or Other Staff/Community Member for their hard work and the impact they’ve had on your child? GDEF Teaching Stars are the perfect gift! They are a great way to say "Thank You" while helping enrich the schools by donating to the Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF). Certificates are great for showing gratitude in November or as a holiday gift in December! Learn more here about how to show an educator how much they are appreciated with a Teaching Star: https://www.gdefinc.org/teaching-star
Healthy Bites - Cold vs Flu
It’s that time of year again! Please make sure your child(ren) has the appropriate winter weather gear—we rarely stay in for recess!
Hi there, SU Families! It’s cold and flu season. Inevitably, we will be exposed to people who are not feeling well or who do not feel well ourselves. Understanding the difference between a cold and the flu is important. Both illnesses affect your breathing, but they come from different viruses and have different symptoms. Let’s break it down!
What Causes Them?
Cold: Colds are caused by many viruses, with rhinoviruses being the most common.
Flu: The flu is specifically caused by influenza viruses, mainly types A and B.
Common Cold Symptoms
Runny or Stuffy Nose: This is a big sign of a cold.
Sore Throat: Usually, it feels mild.
Cough: It can be annoying but is often not too bad.
Sneezing: Sneezing happens a lot with a cold.
Mild Headache: Not as intense as what you might feel with the flu.
Feeling Tired: You might feel a little tired, but not too much.
Flu Symptoms
Fever: This can be high and come on suddenly.
Chills: You might feel really cold when you have a fever.
Muscle Aches: These can hurt a lot and make you feel weak.
Extreme Tiredness: You might feel super tired for a long time.
Severe Cough: This can really bother you and last a while.
Sore Throat: It can happen, but not as much as with a cold.
Runny or Stuffy Nose: This is less common than with a cold.
Severe Headaches: These are usually worse than a cold.
How Long Do They Last?
Cold: You usually feel sick for about 5 to 7 days, but it can last up to two weeks.
Flu: Symptoms might improve in a week, but you can feel tired and cough for weeks afterward.
How to Feel Better
For a Cold
Rest: Make sure to get plenty of sleep.
Drink Fluids: Water and juice help keep you hydrated.
Over-the-counter medications: These can help you feel better by reducing symptoms.
For the Flu
Antiviral Medications: A doctor might give you these if you see them early.
Rest and Hydration: These are very important just like with a cold.
Pain Relievers: Medications like ibuprofen can help with body aches and fever.
How to Prevent Them
For Colds: Wash your hands often and stay away from people who are sick.
For the Flu, the best way to avoid it is to get a flu shot each year. Good hygiene also helps!
Parent/Guardian Notes Required for any changes in Dismissal
If your child(ren) has a change in dismissal from their normal plan, a written note or email to the teacher is required. Please be sure to send that note the same day noting the change. From there, those notes go to the office, where we verify the change and create a bus slip for the bus drivers. This ensures students are going where their parents have arranged and provides permission to the bus drivers to take them (or drop them off at a different stop). Students are not allowed to change their dismissal plans on their own.