
School Calendar 2024-25

Please be sure to visit our Live Feed on our Website to keep up to date on all the exciting things happening both at Swallow Union and in the district.


March 3rd - Community Reading Day (for Read Across America Day)

March 5th - General PTO Meeting - 7:00 pm

March 6th - Kindergarten Information Night 6:00 pm

March 7th - Kindergarten Registration Opens & Half-Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

March 9th - PTO Volunteer Appreciation Day @ AMC Tyngsboro @ 2:00 pm

March 14th - Half-Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm

March 15th - Elementary Science Fair @ Swallow Union - 9:00 am

March 21st - Term II Ends & District Half-Day - Dismissal at 12:17 pm


Supt. Bruno has spent this week hosting Open Forum Meetings for staff in each school and visited Swallow Union yesterday. His focus is on continuing to be transparent throughout the budget process and to solicit input from all stakeholders. His decision making is centered on doing the least possible harm to students and their educational experience with the budget scenario and potential cuts.

He is asking and needing families to get informed and be involved. His recent budget slide presentation outlines three budget scenarios and the financial impact. Please take time to read through this information HERE.

Where can you find all related documents, slides and the budget book?


On home page under pictures of schools is budget information. 

Questions can be sent to budgetquestions@gdrsd.org 

FAQ document will be updated weekly with questions asked and answered.

Here are the upcoming dates for ease of reference:

March 1 - Florence Roche Open House - Budget Forum at 11:00 (Saturday)

March 3 - Groton Select Board & FinCom: possible joint meeting with Dunstable Advisory Board

March 5 - School Committee Meeting 

March 12 - School Committee Meeting - Certify budget


Inviting all 3rd and 4th graders!

Please join Mr. Swift and Mrs. O’Neill for our 4th AND 3rd-grade musical, The Little Mermaid, Jr!

This will be our first year including our wonderful 3rd graders.

Signups are now live! 


Questions? Please contact Tracey O’Neill toneill@gdrsd.org

Attention Parents of 3rd and 4th Graders-

Physical exams are required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health for grades K, 3, 7, and 10.   

If you have a 3rd grader - Please remember to send in a copy of the physical when the exam is done this year.  Physicals done over this past summer are also acceptable.  

Parents of 4th graders - If you did not send in a physical last year, please send it in as soon as possible.   

Florence Roche PTA & Swallow Union PTO invite you to participate in the Groton Dunstable Elementary Science Fair!

The fair will be held in the Swallow Union gym on Saturday, March 15th. Judging will begin at 9:30 am. Students in grades K-4 are eligible.

By participating in this fun event, students will have the opportunity to:

  • complete a scientific project at home,

  • prepare a visual presentation and oral explanation of their project,

  • share what they learned with judges, peers, and families at the fair,

  • receive feedback,

  • and be a Scientist for a day!

Registration is open now through February 28th. Space is limited to 100 students. We have reached capacity in the past, so register early!

Follow the link below to complete your sign-up form and register. 


There is a non-refundable $10 registration fee to help cover the cost of operating the fair. If your family needs assistance with this fee, please contact Mrs. Jarvis.

Additional information will be emailed to participants after registration. Please read the rules and guidelines before starting your project. All projects are individual, no groups, please.

If you have questions, please email gdk4sf@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing the many interesting projects that students present!

Kind regards,

Heather Gerteisen and Bethany Vrouhas, Co-Chairs

Healthy Bites Newsletter:  Heart Health

Happy February! This month is not only about Valentine’s Day but is also Heart Health Month! It’s the perfect time to teach children how to take care of their hearts and start healthy habits that last a lifetime. Below are some fun tips and activities to promote heart health at home and school!

Heart Health Tips for Kids

  • Move More: Encourage at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day! Activities like dancing, jumping rope, or playing tag are great ways to get their hearts pumping.

  • Eat Colorfully: Fill plates with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods like berries, carrots, and spinach are great for heart health.

  • Drink Water: Skip sugary drinks and opt for water or milk to stay hydrated and healthy.

  • Sleep Well: Kids need about 9–12 hours of sleep per night to keep their hearts and bodies strong.

  • Be Stress-Free: Help your child relax with calming activities like reading, drawing, or deep breathing.

Fun Activities to Celebrate Heart Month

  • Heart-Healthy Snack Challenge: Have your child create a colorful snack using fruits and vegetables shaped like hearts.

  • Exercise Scavenger Hunt: Make a list of exercises (e.g., 10 jumping jacks, 5 push-ups) and hide it around the house or classroom for kids to find and complete.

  • Learn About the Heart: Talk about how the heart works and its importance. Fun fact: A child’s heart beats about 90–120 times per minute!

Thank you for helping us keep our hearts strong and healthy this February. Together, we can make heart health fun and meaningful for our children!

Warm wishes,

Nurse Jen and Nurse Kate

PTO Updates

General PTO Meeting: March 5, 7 pm. Our third meeting of the year, and we are excited to discuss all our fantastic upcoming events!

Volunteer Appreciation Day: March 9, 2 pm. Paddington in Peru at AMC Tyngsboro. If you've volunteered with us, you should have received an email inviting you to join us for an afternoon at the movies with your family on us! Reach out to swallowunionpto@gmail.com if you've been inadvertently left off our list of wonderful volunteers.

Tiger Twist: Save the date! Friday, April 4, 5:30-7:30. Your student + their selected adult can get dressed up and dance the night away (or just enjoy hanging with friends and eating snacks)!

Pottery Night: April 10, 5:30 pm, SU cafeteria. A big hit last year! Students and their families pre-order a pottery item to decorate that night, and Time to Clay takes the projects back to their studio to fire them up in the kiln and return to school 2 weeks later. Makes a great Mother's Day gift idea!

Fun Fridays: Want to show how much we appreciate our teachers and staff? Sign up for a Fun Friday as an individual or as a class! Fun Friday Sign-Up

Groton Dunstable Youth Softball Registration 

Registration for the 2025 Spring Softball season is now open for grades PreK-11!  Registration can be found on our website at http://www.gdysl.com

Please contact don@gdysl.com for any questions.  We hope to see you this spring!

Begin Sign-Up

GDEF Teaching Stars

Are you looking for a unique way to recognize a Teacher, Administrator, or Other Staff/Community Member for their hard work and the impact they’ve had on your child? GDEF Teaching Stars are the perfect gift! They are a great way to say "Thank You" while helping enrich the schools by donating to the Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF). Certificates are great for showing gratitude in November or as a holiday gift in December! Learn more here about how to show an educator how much they are appreciated with a Teaching Star: https://www.gdefinc.org/teaching-star

Parent/Guardian Notes Required for any changes in Dismissal

If your child(ren) has a change in dismissal from their normal plan, a written note or email to the teacher is required. Please be sure to send that note the same day noting the change. From there, those notes go to the office, where we verify the change and create a bus slip for the bus drivers. This ensures students are going where their parents have arranged and provides permission to the bus drivers to take them (or drop them off at a different stop). Students are not allowed to change their dismissal plans on their own.