Dear SU Families,
1. It was great to see many families at our “Color Run / Picnic” last week. Our students had a ball. Thank you to the many parent volunteers for making this event possible.
2. Picture Day is on Tuesday, September 28th. We sent home flyers last week. If you have any questions, please contact our office.
3. Open house will also occur on Tuesday, September 28th. I want to remind parents that we are asking for only one parent per classroom to attend this event. Below is the schedule for the evening:
- Grades K,1, 2 - 6:00 to 6:30
- Specialist and Special Education Staff - 6:30 to 7:00
- Grades 3, 4 - 7:00 to 7:30
4. Next Friday, October 1st is a full day of school. Students will be dismissed at 3:10.
Mr. Myerson