Dear SU Families,
1. It was great seeing many of you at our Open House this past week. I hope you got a glimpse of a typical day your child experiences at SU. In addition, you learned what their grade level is focusing on academically and socially. I know some parents may still have questions for the teacher or myself. If this is the case please don’t hesitate to contact the school. We pride ourselves with having open communication.
2. Our updated Elementary Handbook is now on our website for your viewing. It can be found by clicking the menu tab and it will be under documents. One new important item that you will find in the handbook is opting out for photos. This information is on page 53, and it requires you to sign the opt out form if you wish not to have your child’s photo be used publicly.
3. This is a quick reminder that our school day does begin at 8:55. If you are dropping off in the morning, please try to arrive by 8:50.
4. Friday, October 8th is a half-day at SU. All students will be dismissed at 12:15.
Mr. Myerson