Dear SU Families,
We are very proud of our students. It is a very exciting time of year. However, they continue to stay focused in the classroom and put forth a great effort.
Our lost and found continues to grow. Please have your child visit the lost and found if you are missing anything that your child may have lost at school.
The PTO is thrilled to offer you an online Spirit Wear Store! Please click the link below to order Swallow Union Spirit Wear featuring our new student-designed logo! Our online store will be open through Sunday, January 9, 2022 – please place your orders by then! Orders will be received by the end of January and distributed by the SU PTO. Please note that if certain sizes are not offered in the pull-down, it is because there is no inventory at this time. Please also note that we will have one more Spirit Wear sale before the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Finally, 10% of all proceeds go directly back to the SU PTO to support enrichment programs for our kids! Be on the lookout for a flyer coming home with your student next week. It will list the link below and a QR code, if that’s easier for you. Info will also be available on the SU PTO Website. We hope you enjoy the store! Swallow Union Elementary School Online Store
4. Join us for a Swallow Union Night at the UMass Lowell River Hawks hockey game on January 22 at 6:05! Tickets are only $10. Reach out to Jen Neiley with any questions. You can order your tickets via this link:
5. Report Cards will be available on SchoolBrains on Tuesday, December 21st
6. Next week we have a full day on Thursday (12/23) and no school on Friday (12/24)
Enjoy the winter vacation!!!