Dear SU Families,

Masking  Masks will be optional at Swallow Union beginning March 7th with the exceptions (primarily in health offices and when returning from quarantine) as stated in the DESE policy. Masks ARE NOT required on buses or on Vanpool. 
Our Social Adjustment Counselor Kathy Moffett  is expecting her first child in the upcoming days.  She will be out on maternity leave for the remainder of the school year.  We will be welcoming Jennifer Schultz Bray to our staff next week to take over this role. Currently Jen is a district wide Social Adjustment Counselor. She brings a wealth of experience and we are excited for her to join our team.   Jennifer can be reached at:  We are all wishing Kathy the best of luck with her new addition to her family.

On March 18th we will be having Parent Conferences.  Your child’s teacher will be sending home more information next week.

Our 2nd Trimester will be coming to a close on Friday, March 11th.  I will keep you updated on when report cards will become available.

I am happy to report that we will be having a 4th Grade play this spring.  At this time I don’t have any further information.  Once it is all put together, we will send out an announcement. Mr. Jon Swift will be the director.