Dear SU Families,
Field Day For Next Week:
Kindergarten / 1st Grade - Monday
2nd Grade / 3rd Grade - Tuesday
4th Grade - Wednesday
2. Our 4th Graders will be presenting Oliver Jr. The shows are on Friday, June 10th at 7:00 and Saturday, June 11th at 2:00 and 7:00. Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for and will be sold at the doors.
3. Our lost and found has been overflowing this year. We will be placing the cloths outside the front doors next Tuesday and Wednesday during the school day If you think you are missing items, please feel free to stop by and check out our collection.
4. As a reminder, if you have brought in medication for your child at school this year, please be sure to pick it up by the last day of school. Students are not permitted to transport medication themselves. Any medication left after the last day of school will be discarded. The only exceptions to this policy are inhalers and Epipens, which students may bring home in their backpacks on the last day. If you would prefer to not have us send home these medications with your child, please contact the nurse’s office.
The nurses wish you and your families a fun, restful summer!