School Bus Update
I want to thank everyone for their patience with our school buses. The bus routes are done annually by Dee Bus and there are often route adjustments depending on ridership. During the first few weeks of school, buses are troubleshooting any problems with their route and will settle into a more predictable pattern and timeframe. We are seeing an increase in the number of students riding the bus in conjunction with the construction delays on Main Street that have added some additional challenges at the onset.
In partnership with families, the school district and bus company have the safety of our students at the forefront. Students will be seated on the bus by grade (4th in the back, then 3rd, 2nd, 1st and Kindergartners in the front) to help with student safety. Older siblings are allowed to move forward and sit with a younger sibling just not the other way around. Thank you for your support with this as well.
Reminder: On Fridays and half days - Students are NOT allowed to take a different bus home with a friend even if they have a note. This is typically allowed Monday -Thursday as long as there is enough room on a given bus to do so. Dee Bus is monitoring space on their buses in order to allow students this option moving forward.
Please reach out to Dee Bus (978) 448-3322 or the school with any questions and concerns.
Student Assemblies
The beginning of the school year we place emphasis on teaching our students what the expected behaviors are throughout different parts of the school day. When students have a clear understanding of the rules and routines in their day, it is this structure that provides increased feelings of safety. This week Mrs. Moreau, School Counselor and Mrs. Jarvis met with each grade level to review the behavioral expectations on the bus, in the classroom, in the halls and during lunch and recess. Here is the presentation for you to reference and be discussing at home as well.
Swallow Union Expectations 2022-2023
Math Magical & The Power of Yet
On Wednesday, our students were engaged in a math show presented by... They were able to get our students excited about math, that we use it everyday and the power of yet thinking. We want our students to be thinking about their own learning and developing a growth mindset that "we haven't learned it...yet". Click Here for YouTube Video
Message from SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)
SEPAC would like to invite the Groton Dunstable community to a Welcome Back Coffee on Friday, September 9th at 10am for an informal conversation. Please note we have a new location at the Groton Public Library Community Room (1st floor). Please click here to RSVP.
We hope to see you there!
Kristyn MacInnis and Katie Leonard, GD SEPAC Co-Chairs
Upcoming Dates
September 9th - Full Day of School - Dismissal on full day Fridays begins at 3:10 pm
September 15th - Curriculum Open House 6-8 pm
September 16th - 1/2 day Early Release - dismissal at 12:15 pm
September 23rd - 1/2 day Early Release - dismissal at 12:15 pm
September 30th - Back to School Picnic hosted by our PTO - 5-8 pm @ SU Playground
Curriculum Open House ~ Thursday, September 15th 6:00-8:00 PM
Parents/guardians of elementary school students in grades kindergarten through 4th are invited to attend Open House on September 15th. This is an opportunity to meet your child(rens) teachers and learn:
- What the teacher is like as a person
- How the teacher will help your child(ren) thrive
- How you can be involved in your child(rens) education
- Learn the classroom routines, rules and expectations
- Learn about what your child(ren) will be learning
The goal of this evening is for families to make connections about what students are doing in school and be able to engage in conversations at home about their day at school. Parents who are involved in their child(rens) education often result with children who are more likely to be motivated to learn and succeed and in turn increases their self-esteem and confidence.
Our PTO will also be present throughout the evening so you can learn more about the organization, volunteer opportunities and donations.
6:00 pm to 6:30 pm: Grades K, 1 & 2; Go to Classroom
6:30 pm to 7:00 pm: Grades K, 1, 2, 3, & 4; Visit Specialists in their classrooms
7:00 pm to 7:30 pm: Grades 3 & 4; Go to their child's classroom
Please note: This evening is designed for informational purposes, not for conferencing with teachers regarding individual students and is an adult only evening.
Practice Fire Drill
On Thursday, our students and faculty held our first fire drill of the school year. I was very impressed with our students' ability to listen to their teachers and how quickly and quietly we all exited the school building. The Dunstable Fire Department was very pleased with how smooth the drill went - thank you to our fire department for all they do to keep us safe and prepared in the event of a real emergency.
Swallow Union School Council- Seeking Members
As we embark on a new school year, I am seeking to build a new School Council comprised of at least 1 parent and 1 teacher to act as an advisory to the Principal in assisting with the identification of the educational needs of our students at Swallow Union and formulating the goals within the School Improvement Plan. Please let me know if you would be interested in joining - our goal will be to meet at least 5 times throughout this school year.