Amazing preview of the night ahead - we have some amazing bake off challenges! Good luck everyone!
Swallow Union Weekly Update Week of October 24th, 2022
Please be sure to check the Live Feed section of our website each week as we share updates on what our students are learning and engaging in during school.
Thank you to our PTO for a successful Book Fair this week. The best types of books are those in the hands of our students! There is always excitement in school when the book fair arrives. Happy reading and may you find time at home to read together.
Another thank you to our amazing families for supporting the PTO and Feed the Tiger Fundraiser. I am happy to announce that all students have voted and the winning costume is an astronaut! I look forward to seeing many of you tonight at the Monster Mash.
The winners of the fundraising contest were randomly selected by Mrs. Jarvis are:
Shaun M - Pizza Lunch with 3 friends
Madelyn G - Fire Truck Ride
August G - Principal for the Day
Family Assistance for the Holidays:
We wanted to share with our families that there are community agencies that are able to provide confidential help for GDRSD families that are struggling. If you are in need of some assistance with holiday food and/or gifts, please fill out this form and return it to your child’s teacher or school nurse as soon as possible. Again, all information is strictly confidential.
Important Dates:
October 28th - 1/2 day Early Release - dismissal at 12:15 pm
October 28th - PTO Monster Mash 5- 7 pm
November 3rd - 3rd Grade Plimoth Plantation Field Trip
November 11th - No School - Veterans Day
November 18th - PTO Trivia Night
November 23rd - 1/2 day - Thanksgiving Recess
November 24-25Th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess