Swallow Union Update

Week of November 14th, 2022

Photo Credit: Nicole Pelletier& Family

Message from Mrs. Jarvis, Principal

Our first Spirit Week was a success! It was great to see so many students and staff jumping in and having fun.  My favorite day of the week was Thursday and listening to students share what they were thankful for during morning meetings.  Our students truly know what is important in their lives (sisters, brothers, grandparents, and family) and that is a direct reflection of the amazing support, love, and values you are raising your children with.  

Today, Mr. August G, 3rd grader in Mrs. Keegan’s class, was Principal for the Day.  He assisted in morning announcements and morning walk-throughs greeting all students and staff one classroom at a time.  From there, he assisted in the Turkey Trot, lunch and recess, and dismissal.  Thank you Mr. G for your help today!

Here are some snapshots of our week together school-wide.

Flannel Day

Thankful For Day

1st Annual Turkey Trot

Each grade level participated in a Trot around the backfield and then had the opportunity to stay and cheer on another grade level to do their Trot.  A great school-wide event to get all of us some exercise, show some sportsmanship and have fun.

We continue with two more days of spirit with Monday Color Wars and Tuesday School Spirit Wear.

Monday  21st  

Tuesday 22nd

Color Wars!!

K- Green

1- Yellow




  Wear your grade level color. 

Which grade will win??

   Swallow Union

Spirit Day

You are a part of our community. 

Wear Swallow gear or Red, White, & Blue. Show that everyone belongs at Swallow.  

Family Assistance for the Holidays:

We wanted to share with our families that there are community agencies that are able to provide confidential help for GDRSD families that are struggling. If you are in need of some assistance with holiday food and/or gifts, please fill out this form and return it to your child’s teacher or school nurse as soon as possible. Again, all information is strictly confidential. 

Important Dates:

November 18th - PTO Trivia Night 7:00 pm at the Pepperell VFW

November 23rd - 1/2 day - Thanksgiving Recess

November 24-25th - No School - Thanksgiving Recess

November 29th - Picture Retake Day

December 1st - Half day of school - Evening In Person Parent Conferences PreK-4

December 2nd - Half day of school - Afternoon In Person Parent Conferences PreK-4

December 2nd - Term I Ends

December 5th & 6th - PTO Winter Store in the Swallow Union Library

December 9th - Half day of school

December 15th - PTO General Meeting