Swallow Union Update
Week of December 12th, 2022
Photo Credit: Nicole Pelletier& Family
Message from Mrs. Jarvis, Principal
Swallow Union Food Drive for Loaves & Fishes is collecting through Monday, December 19th - we appreciate all of those who have donated already, and for those who haven’t yet, there is still time!
Now that our first snow has finally arrived, this is a reminder to families to ensure their child has the proper winter clothing for outdoor recess. This is also the time of year the Lost & Found grows and we try our best to reunite lost articles - labeling your child’s clothing is very helpful! During recess time when snow is on the ground boots are required to be in the snow, and full snow gear to fully play in the snow; otherwise, students are able to play on the blacktop. Outdoor recess is an integral part of the school day and we make every effort to get the kids outside to run and play as much as possible. The cutoff is 20 degrees or colder including the wind chill factors, precipitation, and icing/safety on the play equipment/recess spaces.
Families, we have changed how we are notifying you about your child's absences. There will no longer be voice calls going out - our attendance notifications will be going through Apptegy/Thrillshare which will notify parents/guardians through a text and email message. Please remember to call your child(ren) out no later than 8:45 am (start time for school) by calling (978) 649-7281. This is also an excellent time to check that the school has your current email addresses and cell phone numbers.
Grade 2 Discovery Museum Enrichment - Physical Changes in Matter
Grade 3 Discovery Museum Enrichment - Weather & Climate
High School Band & Chorus Concert Tour at Swallow Union
A wonderful performance by our high school band and chorus students! Thank you to Mr. Tim Savoy, Band Director for bringing back the tour as it is a fan favorite! It is always a joy to see our Swallow Union graduates return in a way to share their talents, and inspire our younger students in our district!
Swallow Union Spirit Week
This year, we are aiming to have a school-wide spirit week scheduled the week prior to each school vacation - hard to believe we are upon Winter Break! Also back by popular “demand” is Mr. David Kimpton, a long-standing member of our community who has been volunteering for over 30 years to come and read to each class. Here is the latest school spirit activities for staff and students to have fun with!
Swallow Union Elementary School
Winter Spirit Week Dec 19th- 23rd
Brought to you by the Swallow Union Student Council
Monday 19th | Tuesday 20th | Wednesday 21st | Thursday 22nd | Friday 23rd |
Festive Sock Day
| Festive Hair or Hat Day | Festive Sweater or Favorite Winter Gear
| Pajama Day!
For the Polar Express Book Readings today - wear your favorite PJs! No slippers or stuffed animals, please! | Spirit Day! Swallow Union Spirit Day
You are a part of our community. Wear Swallow gear or Red, White, & Blue. Show that everyone belongs at Swallow. |
Assistance for the Holidays:
We wanted to share with our families that there are community agencies that are able to provide confidential help for GDRSD families that are struggling. If you are in need of some assistance with holiday food and/or gifts, please fill out this form and return it to your child’s teacher or school nurse as soon as possible. Again, all information is strictly confidential.
Important Dates:
December 20th - Report Cards Posted
December 23rd - Full Day Friday ~ Dismissal is at 3:10 pm
December 26 - 30th - Winter Vacation
January 2nd - New Year’s Day Observed - No School
January 13th - Half Day - Dismissal at 12:15 pm
January 16th - Martin Luther King Day - No School
January 20th - Half Day - Dismissal at 12:15 pm