Swallow Union Update

Week of January 30th, 2023

Message from Mrs. Jarvis, Principal

We have had an engaging, exciting week of learning and growing ourselves in so many ways.  Snowshoeing, Global Play Day, 1st graders engineering catapults!  We have some truly fantastic teachers enriching our students!  Please be sure to take a moment to catch our week at a glance in the Live Feed section of our school website! 

When visiting Swallow please take a moment and notice newly displayed student artwork!

Currently displaying: Kindergarteners created abstract threaded sculptures using their knowledge of lines. They enjoyed bending and twisting the pipe cleaners to form interesting three-dimensional lines and were fascinated with attaching them to their bases simply by poking them into the foam. To help strengthen their fine motor skills and add more visual interest, the artists strung beads and foam pieces onto their pipe cleaners. 

On Tuesday, Madelyn Gannon, 4th grader, took a ride to school in our Dunstable Fire Truck alongside two of our local firefighters!  She was one of the winners of the Feed Tiger Fundraiser that took place in the fall.  Thank you to our PTO and Dunstable Fire Department for making memories of a lifetime and supporting the importance of community connections!

Swallow Union Student Council

 Friendship Pencil-Grams

Swallow Union Student Council will be selling pencil-grams (a pencil with a note of friendship) during lunch on February 6th-9th to help raise funds for the 4th-grade class gift.  Students are invited to purchase a pencil-gram during their lunch that will then be delivered by a student council rep to the recipient’s classroom on February 14th. No pencil-grams will be going home on the day of purchase. 

Cost: $1 per pencil-gram CASH ONLY

Delivery Date: February 14th

4th Grade Concert

Last night our 4th graders brought the house down during their chorus performance!  Thank you to the students for their preparation, voices, and messages about friendship and being a good person.  Thank you to the families for your support and filling the seats last night - nothing better than performing in front of a live audience!  Finally, to Mrs. Mitchell for her talent and dedication to all of our students!

Important Dates:

February 10th - Half Day - Dismissal at 12:15 pm

February 17th - Half Day - Dismissal at 12:15 pm

February 20th-24th - No School - February Break