There is nothing better than a good new book! Meet Harriet, a fourth grader who's about to spend the summer on Marble Island, away from her parents. Harriet has a little problem with telling the truth, but hopefully that won't stop her from solving the mystery she stumbled into! Check out "Just Harriet", written by Elana K. Arnold. Librarian Mrs. Mulligan is reading "Meet Harriet
about 2 years ago, GDRSD
Mrs. Mulligan reading "Just Harriet"
Third graders in 3k solving math challenges!
about 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
2R practicing fluency skills with a partner, by rereading and scooping words together.
about 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
Snap Word Boot Camp in Mrs. Caufield’s class today! Students were supporting each other while they practiced writing snap words.
about 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
Ultimate Tic Tac Toe Building Thinking Classrooms! Students engage in strategy and team building math.
about 2 years ago, Jill Jarvis
Ultimate Tic Tac Toe
Ultimate Tic Tac Toe
In the Technology Lab, fourth graders are making videos on Canva to tell a story about their winter break!
about 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
Lots of collaborative art happening in second grade! Here is a group of students creating a camping scene complete with pillows, sleeping bags, tent and campfire. And another pair finished a sculpture of a chrome book!
about 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
​Trimester 1 Elementary Report Cards have been posted. Students' Report Cards can be found on the SchoolBrains Community Portal under the Student Documents box.
about 2 years ago, GDRSD Parent Resources
Yesterday we kicked off Swallow Union's second Spirit Week as we approach the winter break. Monday - Festive Sock Day!
about 2 years ago, Jill Jarvis
Sock Day
Sock Day
Starting next week, Attendance Alert Notifications will be sent out via Text Message and Email Only through our Apptegy/Thrillshare messaging. There will be no voice calls.
about 2 years ago, GDRSD Parent Resources
In PE, grades K-4, are learning hockey skills for the month of December. Each grade is a progression of skill and expectations. K&1 start with all station and non-contact based skills, while 2-4 begin playing small skill builder games like Keep Away, Shark Attack and Messy Garage.
over 2 years ago, Nicole Pelletier
Second grade practices puck handling
First grade practices wrist shots
Shark attack!
1st grade practices aiming for passing skills
Second Grade enrichment program by the MA Horticultural Society - Plant Mobile. Students were immersed in a hands-on learning experience as they dissected the parts of a plant (petal, stamen, pistil, sepal, and stem) to learn about its ability to reproduce and the important role of each part.
over 2 years ago, Jill Jarvis
Plant Mobile
Plant Mobile
The first graders brightened up the first grade wing in their sunshine yellow.!
over 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
Mrs. Rozzi’s class is showing their Swallow Union pride!
over 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
Mrs. Mulligan presents on a TouchView LCD panel with third graders, who will be performing a library scavenger hunt.
over 2 years ago, Luke Callahan, Ed.D.
Mrs. mulligan teaching students
Fourth Graders in the Tech Lab are designing posters using Canva, a graphic design platform. Their posters display what they are feeling thankful for this year. 😀
over 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
Today, Mrs Pelletier’s PE classes enjoyed a trail walk. They discussed mindfulness and using your five senses to help you be present in the moment. They also learned box breathing to calm their bodies. The skills are all great to practice as a family through the holiday season. Ask your students to teach you as a great family connection point!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Pelletier
fourth grade practicing box breathing and being mindful
3rd grade practicing mindfulness
2nd grade exploring the trail
Students in Mrs. Schott's classroom hard at work and rocking yellow for Color Wars!
over 2 years ago, Jill Jarvis
Mrs. Rozzi’s class is sharing pictures of who they are thankful for!
over 2 years ago, Amy Codyer
In the art studio at SU, students in grades 2-4 have been engaging in "painting boot camp". A "boot camp" in the studio is the opening exercise used to practice foundational skills in a particular media prior to the opening of that center in our choice-based TAB art studio.
over 2 years ago, Amy Codyer