Mrs. Rozzi’s class is showing their Swallow Union pride!
Mrs. Mulligan presents on a TouchView LCD panel with third graders, who will be performing a library scavenger hunt.
Fourth Graders in the Tech Lab are designing posters using Canva, a graphic design platform. Their posters display what they are feeling thankful for this year. 😀
Today, Mrs Pelletier’s PE classes enjoyed a trail walk. They discussed mindfulness and using your five senses to help you be present in the moment. They also learned box breathing to calm their bodies. The skills are all great to practice as a family through the holiday season. Ask your students to teach you as a great family connection point!
Students in Mrs. Schott's classroom hard at work and rocking yellow for Color Wars!
Mrs. Rozzi’s class is sharing pictures of who they are thankful for!
In the art studio at SU, students in grades 2-4 have been engaging in "painting boot camp". A "boot camp" in the studio is the opening exercise used to practice foundational skills in a particular media prior to the opening of that center in our choice-based TAB art studio.
Mrs. Mulligan reads the “Thank You Book” by Mo Willems during interactive read aloud time with Mrs. Olson’s kindergartners.
Third graders in Mrs Keegan’s class working with Digi Blocks
3 Keegan’s first Mystery Reader!
Shout out to Karen Gartland for her Professional Development on Digi-Blocks! The third graders were entranced with these manipulatives. They first experimented with the "one" blocks by building a castle as a group. They were then given containers that they eventually figured out would pack ten ones into a ten! After they made packs of ten, they were given bigger containers that they eventually figured out would pack ten tens into a hundred! Finally, as a whole group we put all the hundreds into a thousand container! The conversations around place value were astonishing and they really understood the concept of how many 1's make up a ten, hundred, and thousand, how many tens make up a hundred and a thousand, and how many hundreds made up a thousand.
Kindergartners in the Innovation Lab used Beebots for the first time today! They learned about code, sequencing and algorithms!
In the Tech Innovation Lab, Fourth graders met Dash, the robot! Groups completed coding puzzles to learn how to program Dash. So fun!
Fourth graders in Mrs. Jankowski’s class held debates about the read aloud of The Tiger Rising. Students listened to each other respectfully as each group presented evidence to support their claim about the book. What a great way to develop our listening and speaking skills!
First graders make stick puppets with Mrs. Mulligan to retell the story The Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds.
Second grade has risen to the challenge of choice based art. They are coming to class with thoughtful ideas and plans for creating. Here you see one student trying their hand at one point perspective and another pair making a kinetic sculpture! These are quite advanced skills! I couldn't be more proud of my Swallow Union artists!
Mrs. Hamel’s class enjoying a guest reader!
Mrs. Hamel’s students making bundles of tens and hundreds.
Second Graders drew monsters and wrote spooky stories about them. Then, we used Chatterpix in the Innovation lab to animate the monsters telling the story!
Our older students really enjoy it when they can be a Reading Buddy to some of our younger learners! Mrs. Keegan's 3rd graders are reading partners with Mrs. Vargeletis' students! The smiles say it all about the value of being a reading buddy!